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By Sun Advocate

Giveaways 100
Lost and Found 101
Memoriams 102
Moving and Storage 103
Personal 104
Special Notices 105
Theatres 106
Financial 107
Baby Tender 111
Business Opportunity 112
Help Wanted 113
Jobs Wanted 114
School and Instruction 115
Child Care 116
Insurance 117
Building and Construction 121
Cleaning Services 122
Handyman 123
Lawn & Garden 124
Miscellaneous Services 125
Painting 126
Draperies 127
Bookkeeping 128
Auctions 129
Apartments for Rent 131
Houses for Rent 132
Miscellaneous Rentals 133
Mobile Homes for Rent 134
Mobile Home Spaces 135
Office Space 136
Rentals Wanted 137
Rooms for Rent 138
Commercial Rentals 139
Commercial Property 141
Farms and Ranches 142
Houses for Sale 143
Lots and Acreages 144
Mobile Homes 145
Miscellaneous Real Estate 146
Real Estate Wanted 147
Condominiums 148
Water Shares 149
Farm Equipment 151
Farm Products 152
Food Storage 153
Fruit and Produce 154
Hay and Grain 155
Pasture for Rent 156
Plowing and Discing 157
Boarding & Breeding 161
Breeding Services 162
Grooming 163
Livestock 164
Miscellaneous Wanted 165
Pets 166
Poultry 167
Veterinary Services 168
Fuel and Wood 171
Furniture 172
Yard Sale/Garage Sale 174
Appliances & Tools 176
Miscellaneous for Sale 177
Miscellaneous Wanted to Buy 178
Musical Instruments 179
Pianos and Organs 180
Sewing Machines 181
Sporting Goods 182
TVs, Radios & Stereos 183
Computers 185
Fireplaces and Stoves 189
Auto Parts and Services 191
Autos, New and Used 192
Boats 194
Motor Homes 195
Campers and Trailers 196
4 Wheel Drive 197
Motorcycles 198
Bicycles 199
Trucks and Vans 200
Snowmobiles 201
Airplanes 202
ATVs 203

100- Giveaways

IF ANYONE is interested in finding a good home for any kind of pet, please contact the Emery County Progress at 381-2431 or visit our office at 410 East Main, Castle Dale. You can bring a picture of your pet or we can take one. We will feature your pet as the “Pet of the Week” in our paper. (0130tf)

103- Moving and Storage

STEEL STORAGE containers: 20′ and 40′. Financing available. New/used. We deliver. (435)527-4662. www.crosswindsstorage.com (0516tf)

104- Personal

ADOPT: A life of security & unconditional love awaits your newborn. Expenses paid. Please call Sheri & Ross @ 1-888-659-2229. (01234p)
ADOPTION, A loving choice! Help a loving happily married couple give your baby a lifetime of love, security, happiness. Expenses paid. Merle and David 1-800-816-8424. (01184p)
REFINANCE NOW! Consolidate all bills to one easy payment. Credit cards, second mortgages, vehicle loans. Call now to get free quotes. 801-368-0292. (01238p)

105- Special Notices

BEST SEA Burger in town- And fresh cut fries! Velvet Freeze, call in orders welcome. 637-1954. (0131tf)
FREE 10 WK. Organ classes for the retirees. Need an instrument? Rent one for $1.49/wk. Classes include wellness activities, sing-alongs, and fun. Call Patty 801-319-3904 to start your new hobby today. Lessons at Senior Center. (01188b)
HAVE YOU ever heard of Country Bunny Bath & Body products? Call me, I would love to show you more. Summer McBride, Independent Representative #ID 9435 435-630-6771 webstore www.cbunny.com (01302p)
NEW PROM, wedding, flower girl dresses, accessories. Rental tuxedos, slips. Appointment, Sweet Creations, 381-2017.(01098p)
UPS SERVICE is available at CJ’s Do it center. Open 7 days/wk. 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)

107- Financial

FHA LOANS easy to qualify, low down payment, quick approvals. Call today 801-489-3117. (ucan) (01302t)
FIRST LOAN free! $100 to $2,500 overnight bad/no credit OK confidential payday loan. Call today- Cash tomorrow! www.fastcashonline.biz. Call now: 1-888-540-3278 (ucan). (01302f)
NEED A loan? Call 613-9159. We do taxes. Security Finance. (012519b)

112- Business Opportunity

A CASH COW! 30 vending machines/ you approve each location. Entire business- $10,970 local Utah Company. Hurry! Call (801)593-0084. (ucan) (01302f)
ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and candy. All for $9,995. 1-888-745-3353. (ucan). (01302f)

113- Help Wanted

$100,000+ NATIONAL INSURANCE Marketing organization. Expand in Utah. Looking for sales reps/managers. Multiple products, free leads, advances, vesting, trips. (888)440-4642, (800)498-7646 24/7 www.byoib.com (ucan). (01302b)
**ATTENTION** LADIES: Avon has great opportunities. Earn extra $$$, work own hours. 637-0136. Ind./sls./rep.(87tf)
CARPENTER HELPERS wanted. Wage depends on experience. Call Trenton Bennett, 435-749-0722. (01234p)
CERTIFIED NURSES Aides, Non-Certified Aides needed full time or part time at Castle Country Care Center, 1340 East 300 North, Price. Health benefits packages available and shift differential available. New wage scale is available. 637-9213. (0613tf)
CJ’S IS looking for HVAC Tech. Must be Refrigerant certified. CJ’s, 710 E. Main. 636-8100. (0831tf)
COAL PREPARATION Technician position at SGS Minerals Services, 435-653-2311. (01166p)
COWBOY KITCHEN is accepting applications for Food Servers. Apply in person, 31 E. Main, Wellington. (0315tf)
DRIVER- ASAP! 36-43 cpm/1.20 pm plus sign on bonus CDL-A + 3 months OTR (800)635-8669. (ucan). (01302f)
DRIVER CDL TRAINING, $0 down, financing by Central Refrigerated. Driver for Central and earn up to $40K+ 1st year! (800)727-5865 extension 447 www.centraldrivingjobs.net (ucan). (01302f)
DRIVER EXP’D & Inexp’d- Get your CDL! Guaranteed home time! $0 down! No credit check! Financed by: Central Refrigerated 800-521-9277. (01254p)
DRIVERS WANTED: Local coal haul. Health insurance. Great pay. Ask how you can win a Harley Davidson. 801-870-8506. (01048p)
DRIVERS, START your career in trucking. No experience required. Training available. 23-day coursework. Tuition reimbursement. New classes start weekly. Excellent earning potential. Call 1(866)207-0206. www.SwiftTruckingJobs.com (ucan) (01302f)
DRIVERS-REEFER recent average $875- $1,556/week. Great benefits. Excellent freight network. Salt Lake City terminal. Orientation and dispatch. (800)771-6318 www.primeinc.com (ucan). (01302f)
EXPERIENCED CDL TRUCK drivers needed for immediate openings. Great pay & benefits, western states, regular home time, sign on bonus & paid orientation. (800)888-5838 recruiting. (ucan). (01302f)
FULL TIME Maintenance Person needed. $11-$13 per hour depending on experience, get application at Emery County Care and Rehab in Ferron. (01304p)
HOME CARE assistant needed in Huntington, part time, day shift. 687-9580. (01256p)
IMMEDIATE OPENING for part-time fitness tech at Castle Dale Curves. Call Cathy at 381-5647 or 381-2878. (01302b)
LOCAL COMPANY has an opening for an accountant. Must have experience in taxes, quarterly’s, A/R, A/P, Payroll, G/L, excel, word, etc. Send resume to P.O. 714, Price, Utah 84501. (0110tf)
LOCAL TRUCK Driver wanted. CDL with doubles endorsement. Insurance and retirement available. Call 650-3777 or fax resume to 637-6261. (01254b)
MATH TEACHER. Certified, level 4. Schedule is very flexible. Full or part time. Working with boys 13-18 in a therapeutic school setting. Evening meal, benefit package, wage based on experience. Contact Lee Ann Fielding (435)676-8482. (ucan). (01302f)
RADIO ADVERTISING Salesperson. Training available. Eastern Utah Broadcasting Co. KOAL-Kickin Country. Apply by phone M-F 8:30-5p.m. 637-1167. Equal Opportunity Employer. (511tf)
RETIRED AND looking for something to do? CJ’s is looking for help. Part time, flexible hours and days. Apply at 710 E. Main, Price. (0718tf)

121- Building and Construction

CABINETS, FROM complete design to installation. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
LARRY DAVIS Construction. General contractor. Licensed and insured. No job too small. Call 650-2022.(916tf)
WOOD BUILT Construction General Contracting. Decks, basement, remodels. Free estimates. Trent (801)815-0101, Jeff (435)650-6534. (01308p)

122- Cleaning Services

ALWAYS CALL a professional. Walls, ceilings, windows. Free estimates. Call Trudy Axelsen, 637-4558, 650-9327.(78tf)
HOUSECLEANING- LOCAL references. $10 per hr. Call me, 650-6199. (01118p)
NICE N’ Shiney Cleaning for your home, office or business. Years experience. Lots of good references. Call Pat, 637-2384. (01184b)
OVERWHELMED? HAVE things you just can’t do? Call Maid 4 You. Licensed. 472-3388 or 472-3283. (01118p)

125- Miscellaneous Services

TREE SERVICE & lawn care. Lot clean up. Local company. Free estimates. Call 435-820-1835/435-820-0067.(01 09116p)

126- Painting

INTERIOR/EXTERIOR painting. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount. No job too small. 637-2954. (1028tf)

131- Apartments for Rent

1 AND 2 BEDROOM apartments for rent in Price. No pets. 637-2115. (1017tf)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent in Helper $330 month, includes Questar. 472-5213 M-F, 8-5p.m. (1214tf)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Price $450/month, first and last+ $250 deposit. Coin-op washer/dryer. Remodeled, with new furnace and air conditioning, covered carport with storage. 435-637-5189. (01238b)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Price close to college. Includes all utilities (water, sewer, garbage & gas) and has a shared laundry room. 1 year lease. No inside/outside pets. Asking $575 per month with a security deposit in place. For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT. (0130tf)
1BR, 1 bath upstairs of a duplex in Price for $345/month, $345 deposit. Call Mike Metzger at Bridge Realty, 820-6469. (01234b)
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Huntington. 687-9272. (0104tf)
APT. FOR rent, Price area. 3 bdr., 2 bath, remodeled. Utilities included. $475/mo. 435-851-1955. (01304p)
ELMO, LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, absolutely no smoking, no pets. 653-2680. (01258p)
FERRON 2 BEDROOM, gas heat, fenced yard $375 + deposit. No pets. 80 E. 200 North. (435)384-2865. (0106tf)
FERRON-TWO bedroom apartment for $385 per month. Call 749-0848. (01234p)
IN HUNTINGTON, fully furnished 3 bedroom, 1 bath apartments available Rent starts at: $900 for long term and $1,000 for short term All utilities paid. Unfurnished apartments available: rent starts at $425 for long term and $600 for short term 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, carport, fireplace, dishwasher, stove and refrigerator included. Water, sewer, garbage paid. Contact Tammy Moore, Trails End Realty, 637-1884.(1026tf)
NICE 1 BEDROOM in Helper. Rent includes all utilities. Available now. No pets. 472-0255.(1205tf)
NICE 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath apartment in North Price. No pets, no smoking within 30 feet of building. Rent $375/mo., cleaning deposit $325. References required. Call 650-9956. (01232b)
ORANGEVILLE LARGE 2-story 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, laundry room. Many extras. No pets. References. $430/month. 748-2394. (225tf)
SMALL STUDIO apartment, fully furnished, all utilities with laundry. 650-3368. (0815tf)
STUDIO APARTMENT in Price. Looking for cheap rent with utilities included? No pets. 1 year lease. Asking $375 per month with a security deposit in place. For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT. (0130tf)
VERY CLEAN large and small kitchenettes, ideal for out-of- town workers. 637-0950. (tf)

132- Houses for Rent

2 BEDROOM HOME close to college. Has a great big fenced in back yard with a dog kennel. 1 year lease. No inside pets. Asking $575 per month with a security deposit in place. For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT. (01302tf)
2 BEDROOM HOME in Price close to Main Street. Great little home with a front porch view that sets back from all the neighbors. 1 year lease. No inside/outside pets. Asking $575 per month with a security deposit in place. For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT. (0130tf)
2 BEDROOM HOME in Price in the 8th North area. It does have a finished basement with a spare room and family room. Large fenced in back yard with a dog kennel. 1 year lease. No inside pets. Asking $575 per month with a security deposit in place. For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT. (0130tf)
2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. New paint, carpet, vinyl in kitchen. $500+deposit. 801-596-3201 or 801-455-5870.(01186p)
3 BEDROOM HOME in Price close to Creekview School. Newly remodeled inside and out. Large yard with lots of room to play. 1 year lease. No inside pets. Asking $675 per month with a security deposit in place. For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT. (0130tf)
3 BEDROOMS, 1 BATH, dead-end street. Excellent shape. $675/month, $350 cleaning deposit. 637-1632. (01254p)
HOME at 442 E. 100 North in Price $400/month. Also for sale at $40,000. 650-5390.(01302b)
NICE 3BR, 1 bath home in North Price $675/month, $675 deposit. Call Mike Metzger at Bridge Realty, 820-6469. (01234b)
RENT/SALE in Price. 2BR home, large yard. 2 large rooms upstairs could easily be made into more bedrooms. $525/mo., $475 deposit. No pets, no smoking. Consider selling w/owner financing. Call 435-749-1408 after 5p.m. or 970-210-6611. (01256p)
THREE BEDROOM, 1 bath home in East Carbon. Located at 118 4th West Street. $400 per month, $400 deposit. No smoking, no pets. For more information, please phone RE/MAX Raptor Realty, 613-1313. (1107tf)
TWO, 1 BEDROOM, 1 bath apartments for rent $300 deposit, $300 rent. Smoking and pets okay. Located at 20 and 22 Main in Helper. Please call RE/MAX Raptor Realty @ 613-1313. (1205tf)

134- Mobile Homes for Rent

2 BEDROOM MOBILE home for rent $275. 637-7469. (0111tf)
RENT/SALE. 14X70 mobile home in Wellington. 2BD, 1BA, private lot. $400/month rent, sell $12,000. Cheap lot rent. Drive by 175 South 600 East. If interested call 637-2310. (0116tf)
TWO BEDROOM mobile home for rent in Spring Glen. 472-3612. (01302b)

135- Mobile Home Spaces

CASTLE DALE, Utah. RV park and mobile home spaces for rent Long or short term. Esquire Estates. 435-381-5167/leave message. (0811tf)

136- Office Space

AFFORDABLE SPACE including business assistance, internet, access to equipment, phone system, meeting rooms. 637-5032 ext 408, www.btacenter.com.(010916b)
BUSINESS LOCATION on Carbon Avenue. Great window displays with a private office and lots of storage. 1 year lease. Asking $375 per month with a security deposit in place. (Does not include utilities). For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT). (0130tf)

137- Rentals Wanted

RENTAL WANTED Small family needing a 3-4 bedroom home in the North Price area. Have 1 outside pet. References available. Call 637-4049. (01184p)

139- Commercial Rentals

COMMERCIAL KITCHEN for lease in Price. Call 637-5032 ext. 408, www.btacenter.com (011616b)
MAIN STREET business location in Price. Great location for any new business. Window displays, lots of floor space and plenty of storage. Asking $675 per month with a security deposit in place. (Does not include utilities). For appointment please call Jessica at 637-RENT. (0130tf)

141- Commercial Property

PRICE 2,400 SQ. ft. warehouse. Cash allowance to bring in power and water. 637-1432.(1228tf)

142- Farms and Ranches

ELMO, EMERY County. 117 acres irrigated land includes 400 shares Class “A” water, 200 shares Class “B” water and farm equipment in good running condition. Priced to sell! Livestock sold separately. Serious buyers call 435-653-2496 or 435-749-0770 for details. (01238p)
WYOMING RANCH dispersal 35 acres- $59,900; 75 acres- $108,900. Snowcapped mountain views surrounded by government land. Abundant wildlife. Recreational paradise. Low taxes, EZ terms. Call Utah Ranches, LLC. 1(877)351-5263. (ucan). (01302f)

143- Houses for Sale

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 1700 Sq. Ft. home on .70 acres. Walk in closets, Wood-burning stove, new carpet and Light fixtures. Sprinkler System, RV parking. 350 East Molen Road, Ferron. 384-3242. (01188p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 2 car garage. New paint, new carpet, new gas furnace, new roof. RV parking, dog run, one block from Castle Heights Elem. Ready to move in. 1736 E. Castle Ave. $139,000. Call 650-1581. (1221tf)
3BR, 1BA, 120 S. Maple St., Wellington. Carpet, laminate flooring less than 1 yr., new interior doors, re designed kitchen. Move in ready. Sell $75,000, or rent $650/month. (01238p)
5BD, 3BA, 1/3 acre, finished basement, newly landscaped. $145,000. 925 N. 600 East, Price. 637-4215.(01238p)
COMPLETE REMODEL, 2150Sq.Ft., 6 bdrm, 1 3/4ba, financing available, low down, closing costs, paid 150K. 435-650-8181 (01188p)
FERRON, BIGGER than it looks! Nice 5 bedroom, 1 bath plumbed for second, new flooring/paint, multi-level, open corner lot, 12×16 shed. 500 West Ferron Creek Drive. 435-384-2722. (01118p)
HOUSE AT 442 E. 100 North in Price $40,000. Also for rent $400/month. No agents. 650-5390.(01302b)
MUST SELL East Carbon 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2.5 lots, 2,800 sq. ft., vinyl siding, thermal windows. Remodeling in process. 636-8750, 650-5592. (012310p)
NICE, NEWER 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Helper. Large kitchen, separate laundry room, large master bedroom and bath w/walk-in closet, lots of extras. Quiet neighborhood on dead-end street. Must see! 650-4626 or 472-0149. (01304p)
ONLY $1000 Down; Classy remodeled 3 bdrm, 1971 Sq. Ft., Quality paint, cabinetry, flooring. Financing available $108K, closing costs paid. 435-650-8181. (01188p)
OWNER WILL carry contract. 2 bedroom home in Sunnyside. $35,000. 801-596-3211, 801-641-2899. (01048p)
REAL ESTATE investor seeks apprentice * massive 50% marketing commission * work from the comfort of your own home call 1-888-411-3292 opportunity awaits you. Leave your information. (ucan) (01302f)
WESTWOOD 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, living room, huge family room, storage. 637-6605. (01048p)

144- Lots and Acreages

1/2 ACRE LOTS at 576 W. 1150 South, Price $35,000. 435-650-9144. (01188b)
BUILD YOUR dream home. Fabulous lots for sale near Westwood. Call Leo, Owner/Agent, 650-2163 or Dustin 650-0994. (01258b)
LOTS FOR sale. New subdivision. Excellent NE Price location, close to schools, churches and parks. Priced from $45,000. Call 650-3520. (1003tf)
ORANGEVILLE CITY lot for sale. Up to 1/2 acre. Call 435-748-2378. (01253p)
PRICE, 1/2 ACRE lot, single or multi family. Water and sewer connection included. 435-637-5639. (01158p)

145- Mobile Homes

2 BEDROOM ON 3.49 of an acre. Call 637-2549. (1121tf)

147- Real Estate Wanted

BUYING HOMES & cabins in Carbon County. Don’t foreclose. Call Scott, Etzel Realty, 820-2393.(1201tf)

149- Water Shares

SCOFIELD RESERVOIR water shares for sale. Contact Nancy, Agent, Re/Max Raptor Realty, 613-1313. (54tf)
WANTED: WATER shares Scofield (P.R.W.U.A.), Carbon Canal, Pioneer #1, Pioneer #2, Price Water Co., Allred Ditch. Submit proposals to P.O. Box 700, Price, UT 84501 or call 650-0039. (0512tf)
WILLING TO buy Muddy Creek water shares, will pay cash, need 32, 749-0168. 286-2324. (010416b)

151- Farm Equipment

1997 HESSTON 1/2 TON hay baler, Model 4755, Serial #4755-00416, tractor mounted controls included $31,900. Also like new 4 bale accumulator $8,500. Both located in Emery County, Utah. Call 749-2869. (01098p)
NEW 10 HP Berkeley irrigation pump with starter. Asking $2,000. Call 435-653-2412. (01302p)

154- Fruit and Produce

RED POTATOES for sale. 637-0296 or 637-6733. (01258p)

162- Breeding Services

STUD SERVICE offered for 1 year old papered Shih-Tzu. 650-0096. (01304b)

164- Livestock

250- BRED COWS, all young, solid mouth, will sell any amount you pick. 1-435-462-2731. (ucan). (01302f)

CLASSIC POLLED Hereford Bulls for sale. 14-17 months old. Good EPDs. Get them early and save money. Call Dave at 435-630-1182. (01258p)
FOR SALE, Black Angus Bulls/Heifers, Lady J Land & Livestock, Price, Utah. Ken Lake 435-630-0306 or www.ladyjlivestock.com (0613tf)
HORSES: BUY, sell or trade. All kinds. Call 653-2327. (0920tf)

166- Pets

AKC FEMALE SHIH Tzu, 6 weeks old $700. 472-0694 or 650-6534. (01304p)
AKC POMERANIAN PUPPIES. 4 white, 1 tan. 3 females, 2 males. $250-$350. One free to right person. Available 3-2-07. Call for details or make deposit. 613-9328. (01302p)
IF ANYONE is interested in finding a good home for any kind of pet, please contact the Emery County Progress at 381-2431 or visit our office at 410 East Main, Castle Dale. You can bring a picture of your pet or we can take one. We will feature your pet as the “Pet of the Week” in our paper. (0130tf)

171- Fuel and Wood

FIREWOOD FOR sale. Call 637-0668. (0905tf)

172- Furniture

2-DRAWER NIGHT stand; 3-and 4-drawer dressers. 637-2881. (01304b)
CERAMIC TILE table, white with oak, 4 chairs $75/ best offer. 637-8449. (01304f)
HIGH QUALITY, solid wood futon bed. Blue. $100/best offer. 472-0137. (01232f)

174- Yard Sale/Garage Sale

BIG SALE every Friday, Castle Dale, 535 E. Main, 8a.m.-7p.m. New to antique: toys, furniture, glassware, Star Wars, swords, Hot Wheels, books, dolls. New items coming in every week. (1006tf)

177- Miscellaneous for Sale

BEAUTY SHOP equipment for sale. Call 637-3258. (01098p)
BUILDING MATERIALS: Metal buildings, mini storage systems, roof and wall panels, metal building components. Utah Manufacture 20 years plus. Top quality low prices. Weekly Delivery. 1-800-262-5347. cobuildings @cobuildings.net (ucan). (01302f)
MASON MACHINERY Spring Farm equipment auction, Saturday, February 24, 10 a.m. Aurora, UT. Featuring late model power tillage and harvest equipment. For information or to consign equipment call auctioneer at (435) 527-3808, email diamond wauctions@yahoo.com. (ucan) (01302f)
PAINT UP a storm with Pratt & Lambert paint in stock at CJ’s, 710 E. Main, Price, 636-8100. (0428tf)
SAWMILLS FROM only $2,990- Convert your logs to valuable lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available www.norwoodindustries. com -Free information: 1-800-578-1363- Ext: 300-N. (ucan). (01302f)
SEARS TWO stage snow blower, 7-1/2hp., used 3 times. New $700, sell $450. 435-637-2361. (01234p)
STEEL BUILDINGS Sale; $4,000-1,000 buildings. Factory year end double discounts! Values exceed sale prices! Call (800)964-8335 code #np0116. (ucan) (01302f)
USED GAS furnace, ducting, coal furnace, electric water heater, wood burning fireplace unit. Call 637-1439 after 6p.m. (0118tf)
UTAH JAZZ tickets. Cleveland, Phoenix, San Antonio, Seattle and more. Call 637-4022. (1205tf)
WHITE CHANDELIER, 3 wheat cap lamps and charger; white porcelain, cast iron kitchen sink with pull out faucet; 435 NP 4-speed transmission and 205 transfer case, fits ’73-’79 Ford F-150. 435-637-2881. (01304b)

179- Musical Instruments

$10,000 IN CASH! Guitar collector will pay for a 1950’s or early 1950’s Gibson, Les Paul model. Other Gibson & Fender guitars considered. Toll-free 1(866)237-8116. (ucan). (01302f)

182- Sporting Goods

12 GAUGE SHOTGUN Remington 870 Express Super Magnum synthetic stock vented rib $325/OBO. 613-1320. (01252p)

183- TVs, Radios, Stereos

SUPER BOWL TV- Phillips 55″ HDTV Resolution 1080i $1,200/OBO. 435-637-2881, 435-650-1746. (01304b)

189- Fireplaces and Stoves

STOKERMATIC SALES and Service, and parts. 653-2281. (0926tf)
VENT-FREE fireplaces. 99.9% efficient. Starting at $399. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. 636-8100. (125tf)

192- Autos, New and Used

“92 PONTIAC GRAND Am $250/best offer. Great for parts. Call (435)650-6314 anytime. (01184p)
’99 PONTIAC GRAND Prix GT, auto., air. Loaded. $4,895. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01302b)
1993 CAMARO Z-28 Unlimited. Low mileage. 637-4191. (01302p)
1993 MERCURY VILLAGER, 3rd seat. Clean! $2,300. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01254b)
1993 PONTIAC GRAND Am, 4-cyl., 4-door. Needs work. $700/OBO. 435-613-0250.(01302p)
2002 PONTIAC GRAND Am SE, auto., air, PL, PW, CD player $5,895. Helper Auto, 472-5533.(01302b)
2003 SUBARU BAJA AWD, only 30,500 mi. Outstanding cond. $14,500. Call 435-636-8623, ask for Creed. (01234p)
2004 BLUE VW BEETLE Turbo diesel. Nice, clean. Great fuel economy. 54K miles. Let it go for $16,290. Call Tyler @ Murdock, 650-6254. (01302b)
2004 FORD TAURUS, 56K miles. Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Call Tyler @ Murdock, 650-6254. (01302b)
WANTED TO buy: 1973 and older station wagons and pickup trucks. 636-1065. (121424p)
YOU NEED this! ’98 Expedition $8,000. 100,000 freeway miles, 2WD, loaded. Ex. cond. 8-psgr or 2 California car will drive to you & visit family in Price. James @ 619-247-3337. (01254p)

195- Motor Homes

’05 NOMAD FIFTH wheel. Large slide out. Excellent condition, asking $21,500/OBO. Serious inquiries only. 435-653-2498. (01168p)

197- 4 Wheel Drive

1978 GMC 4X4, 454 AT, 7″ lift $1,800/OBO. 435-613-0250. (01302p)
1997 FORD POWER Stroke Crew Cab for sale. Lift. New tires. 653-2503 or 749-0186. (01302p)
1998 CHEV TAHOE LS, auto., air, PL, PW, 4X4. Super nice! $6,800. Helper Auto, 472-5533.(01302b)
1999 FORD F250, AUTO., air, 4X4. Nice, clean. $8,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01302b)
1999 FORD F350 POWER Stroke Crew Cab, leather, loaded. $19,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01302b)
1999 ISUZU RODEO 4X4, V6, 99K miles $5,495. Call Tyler @ Murdock, 650-6254. (01302b)
2000 DODGE RAM Laramie SLT Quad Cab, auto., air, 4X4, 87K $10,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533.(01302b)
2000 GMC SIERRA 1500 Ext. Cab 4X4. Loaded. Auto., air. $13,500. Helper Auto, 472-5533.(01302b)
2003 CHEVY Z71 SUBURBAN, leather. Fully loaded. 45K. $21,800. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01302b)
2004 CHEV SUBURBAN LT, leather, loaded. Super clean! $17,500. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01302b)
2005 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX, AWD, fully loaded. Super clean! $13,400. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01302b)
2005 JEEP IJ UNLIMITED. Warranty. Low mileage. 637-4191. (01302p)
CUMMINS 2005 4X4 Turbo diesel truck. Excellent condition! New tires. Low miles. $30,000/OBO. 650-6966 or 650-2123. (01234p)

200- Trucks and Vans

’78 GMC 3/4 TON truck, 2WD. Excellent condition. $2,000/OBO. 801-361-4107 or 435-613-1146 ext. 203. (01308p)
2000 FORD F250 SUPER Duty Ext. Cab, 7.3 Power Stroke. Lift, custom wheels, many extras. Call 637-0251. (01048p)
2002 CHEVY 2500HD Long Bed 2WD w/tool box. $6,300. 435-849-0293 after 5p.m. (01164b)
2006 FORD FREE Star Van. Leather, rear heat & air. Low miles. 653-2503, 820-6709. (01302p)

203- ATVs

LOW COST ATV insurance. 4 companies to choose from. Call Price Insurance, 637-3351. (0926tf)

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