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SportKat, new equipment at Castleview Physical Theapy assists with balancing problems



By Sun Advocate

David Nelson demonstrates the new SportKat 3000, a new piece of equipment assists local residents with balancing problems. Theequipment is part of an extensive training for Castleview Physical Therapy.

A sense of balance, or stability, is one aspect of our daily lives of which little or no attention is paid unless it is disturbed. Many people at one time in their life will experience spells of dizziness, vertigo, or loss of balance. Reasons of which may cause these symptoms are numerous, but all are generally conditions that can be improved if not cured. Patients with balance disorders are being referred to physical therapists with increasing frequency. Through treatment of specific exercises, proprioceptive feedback computer systems, aquatics and manual techniques physical therapists are making a difference in balance dysfunction.
Dizziness accounts for about half of all fall-related deaths in the elderly. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, falling is the second leading cause of accidental death for seniors in the United States. Injuries sustained from a fall are also the number one cause for emergency room visits for seniors. Therefore, it is important that balance disorders be diagnosed and treated properly.
Some of the more common medical conditions that cause balance problems are: Meniere’s disease, Acoustic Neuroma Resection, Head Trauma, Post Concussion, Vertiginous Migranes, Vestibular Neoronitis, Presbyastasis, and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).
Therapists at Castleview Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Center in Price have undergone extensive training in balance re-education. In addition, they have purchased a new and exciting piece of equipment that is the latest advancement in vestibular and balance rehabilitation. The SportKat 3000, a visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive system is an integrated functional exercise program that is initiated by a computer feedback system and monitored by a licensed therapist.
Balance training on the SportKat 3000 has proven to be effective for improving equilibrium, reducing the risk of falling and restoring confidence. The result is not only a reduction in the incidents of injury but also a higher quality of life.

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