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Letter to the Editor, RE: Jail Bookings – Scott Young

RE: Jail Bookings
Dear Editor,
I am a lifelong resident of Carbon County.
I disagree with your upcoming removal of the jail bookings.  
If you talk with local leaders, I’m sure they will tell you that 10 percent of the populace is using 90 percent of resources. (Police, Ambulance, fire department assistance.)  
The public has a right to know who is helping our already overstretched budget continue to decline.
Not long ago, my neighbor overdosed. In short order there were four CCSO deputies, two ambulance people, and four firefighters on hand.  
My neighbor is a frequent flier in court and jail.  The community deserves to know who the local criminals are.
Please reconsider your decision.   
Thank you.
—Scott Young,

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