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Chamber to move to county building

Sun Advocate Business Contributor

Evidence of progress is movement in a forward direction.
This past Wednesday,  Carbon County Commissioners voted to approve drafting a lease agreement between the county and the Chamber of Commerce to house the chamber in the new county building.. This move was brought on by changes happening in the Price city building where the chamber offices sit currently. The move is expected to happen sometime in June. .
“Price City is making an effort to make city hall a one-stop-shop for many of its services, so we began arranging departments to better accommodate our goal,” said Price Mayor Mike Kourianos.
This gave way for an opportunity for the chamber to consider a new location for their offices and chamber meetings.
“They needed the space so we put out a query and received proposals from Price City, Carbon County, and South Eastern Utah Association of Local Governments (SEUALG). After review of the proposals, we decided to go with Carbon County. The main reasons for selecting the county’s proposal are that the chamber represents all businesses throughout the entire county and to help support county tourism efforts,” said chamber president Ryan Murray.
Their new home will be located where the tourism offices are in the county administration building.
“We have been hosting the meetings at Castleview for the past two months and will likely meet there one last time,” said Mark Holyoak, CEO of Castleview Hospital and a chamber board member.     
When asked how the move will benefit the chamber and the community, Holyoak said, “It gives a united face with Carbon County. It allows us to better diversify into tourism. The county building is gorgeous, which puts us in a facility that’s inviting. Rent was reasonable and fits into our budget; and, it streamlines county resources, which will ultimately keep tax dollars down.”
Carbon County Commission Chair Casey Hopes said the chamber will cover some of its lease agreement with the county through various activities, including serving an important role in helping the county capture new tourism dollars.
Commissioner Jake Mellor said the chamber’s move seemed like a natural fit to him.
“The increased services that new businesses or businesses meeting with the chamber can have in coming to the county for business licenses or for information about the area or for working with economic development people or tourism people who are here in our community, I think is just an added benefit,” he said during last Wednesday’s regular county commission meeting. “Plus we have some of the newest space in town. When people are meeting with the chamber, we want them to have a great experience. I think it is opportunistic in this time of transition to consider us as an option as far as a place to call home.”    
Holyoak said he thinks the move will enhance the mission of the chamber to improve the retail, commercial, industrial and civic interests of Carbon County.
The Carbon County Chamber meets the first Thursday of the month from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m., businesses, members, and non-members, are welcome to attend as well as members of the community. If you have a question for the chamber you can contact them at (435) 637-2788 or email cccc@carboncountychamber.net.

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