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Williams resigns from Helper city council


Thomas Williams, who recently resigned from the Helper City Council, sits in his art studio. John Serfustini

By John Serfustini

    Thomas Elmo Williams has resigned from the Helper City Council, citing personal reasons. He has left on good terms with the mayor and council. In his letter of resignation, which the council accepted in closed session April 5, he stated, “I truly believe it was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made in 61 years…I want you all to know that I will always be a very strong advocate for our city, our council and our current mayor.”
    In a conversation with the Sun Advocate last week, Williams explained that,  “If I can’t give 110 percent to the job, then I think it is time for me to step aside.”
    Mayor Lenise Peterman said she and the council were grateful for Williams’ years of service before and during his service on the council. “Thomas Williams has been an integral part of Helper’s past and will be a key partner in Helper’s future,” she stated. “We will miss him on our council but honor and respect his decision to take a different path at this time. He will, as he has always, continue to promote and work for the betterment of our community.”
    Williams won his seat in a rare victory as a write-in candidate in the November 2015 election. During his term he was instrumental in promoting the Mining and Railroad Museum, Rio Theatre, and civic auditorium.
    For many years before his election, he was active in civic improvements. Most notably, he and his partner, David Johnsen, were co-founders of the Helper Art and Music Festival and the “Phantom Galleries” on Main Street.
    Williams thanked the community and council for supporting him.
    He had less than two years to go in his term, so the council will choose a successor. The city is inviting persons interested in serving on the council to apply for the position. Mayor Peterman said the council will interview candidates in an open session and vote for a winner.

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