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Wellington Elementary loses White, longtime secretary


The Evans’ family enjoys Parents and Pastries recently at Wellington Elementary School.


   Turnover in school staff and faculty is not a new thing for any school. But at Wellington Elementary there is a change that has affected a lot of people.
    Peggy White, who had been the secretary at the school for 23 years, recently resigned for personal reasons, and her time at the school was remembered by Principal Stacy Basinger.
     “She was a great employee and a friend to all those in the school,” she said. “She was such a rock here at Wellington Elementary. We all owe her a great deal and wish her well.”
     In place of White comes a new face in the person of Taryn Powell, who greets everyone when they come in the office with a big smile.
    “Taryn knows she has some big shoes to fill, but she’s jumped right in, and we’re thrilled to have her as part of our team,” said Basinger.
     One area of celebration at Wellington Elementary is evidence of character improvement, Basinger said,
    “We are in the business of educating students, and that includes both academics and behavior. We have not had a major behavior problem this year, and I believe it is because of our emphasis on respect, responsibility, and integrity and how those traits connect to safety here at school,” she said. “Our students are no different than other schools. Mistakes happen, and we try to make them teaching moments. When there is a problem, the kids involved can tell me why it doesn’t fit within our school motto.”
    Events this winter have been numerous, but the one that included an invite across the community was a community night that was focused around “family,” and it was held on Feb. 22.  
    “Our community presenters were excellent, and there was beneficial information given out to help families related to various kinds of challenges they might face.”  
    She said the feedback from the participants was excellent.
     In celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, parents were invited to a Parents and Pastries reading activity before school. The library was filled with families, smiles, and reading. This is an annual activity at Wellington Elementary, and it’s always well supported.
     Like all schools around the state, Wellington Elementary is finishing up instruction and preparing to begin the end of year testing next month.
    “Testing time is extra challenging if students are not prepared. I’m confident our students have received appropriate instruction and support with their curriculum. Teachers will greatly appreciate if students come to school rested so they can really focus during their testing time, and we appreciate parents helping us with this,” said Basinger.

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