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Community garden volunteers epitomize true spirit of giving back




    I had an opportunity to spend an hour at the community garden last Saturday. If you’re cynical about people, you should have been there.
    I was impressed.
    But, it was not the garden that impressed me, but rather the volunteer effort.     
    Volunteers ranged in age     from kids to senior citizens. Volunteers included youth, professionals, mothers, retired people, and college students. And they worked.
    The high tunnel, a green house of sorts, was moved to give it fresh soil. Moving it was an ordeal. I had no idea.
    Doug Warden, from Intermountain Farmers Association, brought tools and helped throughout the project.
    Lamar Hussey brought his pickup and trailer, loaded with organic material  (a euphemism).
    Teenagers jumped in the trailer with shovels and pitchforks to spread the organic material around the garden. Another volunteer will bring a tractor in this week and till the organic material into the soil.
    Although I didn’t stay the entire day, as some of the volunteers did, I drove by Sunday to see what had been accomplished. The high tunnel was up and the entire garden was ready for tilling. Planting will begin in the tunnel this week and the entire garden will be planted in a few weeks (as soon as weather permits).
    I arrived about 11 a.m. to find 30 or so volunteers hard at work. Besides those working on the tunnel and those spreading organic material, there were people raking and hauling leaves, rolling tarps, and otherwise doing things that needed to be done.
    To anyone who was there, I want to add my thanks to others you’ve received. It’s good to know people are willing to support such a good cause.
    If you’re willing to donate a few hours, contact Julie Rosier at the Southeastern Utah Association of Governments office, 375 South Carbon Avenue or call 435-613-0065.

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