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Youth soccer org seeks city’s support

Sun Advocate Contributor

    Price City has committed $225 to the inaugural Pinnacle Peak Invitational Soccer Tournament and there may be more to come.
    In making the motion to provide funding at Price City Council meeting last week, Councilwoman Terry Willis said there is only $450 left in the donation budget for this year (which ends June 30), and the city has been approached by another worthwhile activity for funding.
    Willis motioned that half the money remaining, $225, be given to the Price Youth Soccer Association (PYSA). If the other venture doesn’t respond, the additional $225 will be given to PYSA. The motion passed unanimously.
    Kris Barraclough, officer with PYSA, met with the council and made the request. She said the expectation is for 30 to 50 teams to enter the tournament, which will be held May 25-29. Barraclough said the community finally has facilities to host such a tournament, noting the newly constructed fields at the Carbon County Fairgrounds will be ready.
    Barraclough said since this is the first time this has been attempted, the registration fee is low. Because of that officials are seeking sponsorships to help pay expenses. She said the expectation is this tournament will bring $60,000 of revenue into the community.
    Responding to a question by Mayor Michael Kourianos, Barraclough said this is just the beginning. There is already talk of bringing a 3-on-3 tournament here in July.
    Councilwoman Amy Knott-Jespersen agreed to be part of a committee that will include members of PYSA. She applauded the effort, saying the city is looking for ways to diversify the economy, and recreation is one of the areas where that can be done.

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