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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but reality is probably going to hurt you




    Recently someone took exception to one of my opinions. He made a derogatory remark about me.
    That’s okay, I can take it, but it really doesn’t refute my position.
    It’s called an Ad Hominem Attack. That’s when a person has nothing to say about the argument, so he just attacks the one making the argument. In this case, the writer — me.
    That’s common, but not very productive. I’m open to criticism. I certainly have no monopoly on truth. But, I would like people to attack my arguments, not me.
    I have a progressive bend. I admit that, and make no apologies for it. I went to the Democratic State Convention when I was 18 and have been a devoted progressive all my life.
    I say progressive, not liberal or Democrat because I’m not always proud of what the Democrats do. Right now I think there is good reason to be negative toward the entire government, at least in Washington.
    I’m all for user-pay. I don’t know if that’s liberal or conservative. Maybe neither. I was a river rat much of my adult life. I think river runners should pay for river management.
    We should all pay for roads, but it should be based on usage. I like the gas tax. People who use more gas, and therefore are on the road more, should pay more, including me.
    I don’t think non-shooters should have to pay for a shooting range. I think golfers should pay for golf courses.
    I certainly agree with Democrats more than Republicans. There is a segment of the Republican Party I believe would ruin this country just so they can get rich.
    I don’t understand that. Rich is one thing, but how much is enough? Once you have all the money you want, why is it necessary to accumulate more wealth?
    Some people get it. Some rich people give a lot of money to charity. Some rich people (Warren Buffet comes to mind) even advocate higher taxes for rich people.
    Others (Donald Trump comes to mind) are willing to do just about anything to pay lower taxes. The recent changes to the tax code won’t result in middle class people getting much of a tax break.
    Just because Donald Trump says it will doesn’t mean it really will. Look at your paycheck.
    Is a few dollars worth the downside? Don’t just believe what the powers tell you.
Research the situation. Find out for yourself if you’re really getting a tax break and balance that with the reality that $1.5 trillion will be added to the deficit, regardless of what the conservative base would have you believe.
        Oh, by the way, Donald Trump, based on the one tax return we have been privy to, is in line to receive a tax break of millions of dollars. Based on that one tax return it would amount to $31 million. At least that’s the common belief.
        Since he has never released his tax returns we really don’t know what taxes he’s paid. And remember, the individual tax relief will only last a few years and then it will revert back to what it was.
    Meanwhile, the corporate tax decrease is permanent. All of which takes money from the middle class and gives it to the upper class.
    By the way, aren’t Republicans the party of “no new taxes?” And what about a balanced budget? Haven’t Republicans fought for cutting the budget and ending programs?
    But, when it comes to personal wealth, adding to the deficit is no big deal.
    If you disagree, I would like to hear from you. But, please refute my position, don’t just call me names.

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