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Funds for baseball complex upgrades OK’d by council

Sun Advocate Contributor

    Price City Council approved a Baseball Tomorrow Fund grant to help pay to install lights and upgrades to city youth baseball fields at the Toy Atwood Complex.
    In a memo to the city council, Miles Nelson, director of public works, wrote: “Local Cal Ripken League representatives approached Price City in December 2017 to seek support for pursuing a grant from the Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF) to install lighting and spectator safety enhancements at the Atwood Baseball Complex. The proposal includes lighting for the two minor league fields (#4 & #5) and concrete slab, steps, sidewalk and ramp improvements for Field #1(majors), Field #2 (Babe Ruth), and Field #5 (minor-west).
    “The city’s potential involvement includes providing a cash match for the grant of up to $36,000 and also in-kind contributions of labor and equipment to install the required electrical service upgrade and to perform trenching for the installation of the wiring for the light poles.”
    League representatives have worked closely with city officials to come up with a plan and make the request for funding.
Nelson said this isn’t a typical grant proposal. Once BTF representatives accept the concept, then negotiations begin as to how the project will proceed.
At the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on February 28, 2018, the council approved a letter of support for the grant, which enabled league representatives to proceed with the application. As a condition of providing the letter, league representatives agreed to bring the application to the city council for review prior to submitting it to BTF. The final draft of the grant application was presented to the city council and the council voted unanimously to approve the request and to commit to the city’s participation.

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