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CIB funds makes Price field of dreams reality


Carbon School District has desired a new baseball complex for its teams for numerous years. Thanks to a CIB grant and loan, new fields are on the way.


    What to do about the baseball field at Carbon High School is a question residents ask seemingly every year.
    The field had developed some problems and for several years the school’s team has been playing home games at the Helper Field instead.  
    Current Carbon High School seniors on the baseball team have never played a game on a Carbon High baseball field.
    Over the past several years the Carbon School Board, lead by President Wayne Woodward, has been trying to figure out how to build a new baseball complex on the present site that would include two fields, the grandstand, restrooms and a concession area. The school district had insufficient funds to complete a quality project on their own.
    That was until last Thursday when the Utah Permanent Community Impact Board (CIB) granted Price City enough money, half grant and half loan, to build the dreamed of field. A total of $3.1 million will be awarded to the city, which in the last year has worked with the school district on an agreement to share the fields for the betterment of the community.
    “We are very excited with the success at CIB,” said Carbon School District Superintendent Lance Hatch.  “We got the grant that we sought. We now have a green light to go ahead with the project.”
    The CIB gets its funds from energy extraction industries in the state through royalties and the money is usually granted to communities impacted by those industries.
    Over the years the board has funded many kinds of things, particularly infrastructure projects.
    The money was applied for through Price City because the CIB does not grant or loan money to school districts. The partnership between Carbon School District and Price City strengthened the application.  
    The projected complex will have two fields, so teams can play two games at one time.
    This not only aides in the ability of the school to play varsity and junior varsity/freshman teams at one time, but allows the city more space for tournaments in the area.          The new baseball fields will provide the opportunity for Price City to organize and host events.
    “We were hopeful that we could receive enough funding to work with,” said Hatch. “But we weren’t anticipating getting exactly what we wanted.  We are grateful to the CIB board and San Juan County Commissioner Bruce Adams in particular for their support of the project and for the generous grant/loan.”
    Hatch said the application was successful in large part because of the experience and the support of Joe Piccolo, former mayor of Price, and Miles Nelson, a Price city councilman.
    “Joe used to be on the CIB board,” said Hatch. “His wisdom and advice, along with his attendance at the meeting to support the project was one of the keys to us getting the commitment from the board.”
    Hatch said the commitment by the city and the school board to develop an interagency agreement showed a great deal of community pride and cooperation. He said that everyone who was affiliated with the application went the extra mile to get it done.
    The grant money will not have to be repaid, but the loan half of the money will. However, the loan rate is only 1 percent over 30 years.
    Hatch said he is not sure when work will start, but the school district is anxious to begin the process right away.

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