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Rich named to open Wellington council seat


Gary Rich

Sun Advocate Contributor

    Gary Rich is the new council member for Wellington City. He was chosen from three applicants at the city council meeting Feb. 7.
    The other two applicants were Gary Motte, who is a former Wellington City employee, and Bethany Perea, whose husband is fire chief in Wellington.
    Each of the three were allowed to make a statement during the open meeting. The council then entered executive session to discuss the candidates. Upon reconvening, Mayor Joan Powell announced that Rich would be the new council member. The decision was formalized by motion and a unanimous vote of the council.
    The council position had been vacant since January. Two council positions were up last year and only one person registered as a candidate. This fills the vacant spot.
    Rich is not a newcomer to Wellington City government. He was actually mayor for 10 years, ending in 1989.
    During his statement to the council, Rich said, “It is not a problem to lose (an election). The problem is people don’t run.”
    Rich said he is interested in more people becoming interested in Wellington and will work to have appropriate land annexed into the city. He said he has heard complaints from residents, and he is here to address them.
    Rich will be sworn in at a later date.
    During other business, the council approved 2018 calendars for the Planning Commission, the Municipal Building Authority, and for the City Council.
    A major change to those calendars is that, beginning in March, the Council will meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, rather than the first and third Wednesdays.
    A work meeting will precede each council meeting. Work meetings are generally held to get reports from city departments.

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