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Mike and Della Gurule | 44 years


Mike and Della Gurule

Mike and Della have been married for 44 years.
They first met at a Mexican Lodge dance at the Helper Auditorium.
Within three months of the dance they knew they wanted to get married. However, Della was only 15 and Mike only two years older than that.
They knew they had to finish high school before they could get married, so they waited almost four years.
Today, they have four children and have adopted five more.
They have three still at home; one is only five years old.
Mike and Della have lived in Carbon and Emery counties all their lives.
Mike’s family is originally from Italy.
Their advice to young couples starting out in married life is to simply listen to each other.
Mike and Della, when they were young, participated in Marriage Encounter, a program that encourages couples to spend quality time together and promotes stronger marital bonds.
They were taught to talk about things and listen to each other
They have attempted to live that advice, though they have the normal ups and downs of any long relationship.
The worst fight they ever got in, Della said, resulted in her throwing a pair of socks.
And she didn’t even throw them at Mike.
If there were anything they could change about one another, Mike would ask Della to be more punctual.
Della said she would ask Mike to loosen up a little—not to take things, or himself, so seriously.

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