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Work under way on West Price Exit beautification


Exit 240

    A project to spruce up the West Price Exit from U.S. Highway 6 is moving forward, with phase one expected to be completed by Thanksgiving. The Exit 240 Beautification Project is a coalition of partners and contributors that includes UDOT, Carbon County, Price City, USU Eastern, Nelco Contractors, Nielson Construction, Jones & DeMille Engineering and several local businesses and individuals.
    The purpose the project is to make a more favorable first impression on travelers on the Price bypass portion of U.S. Highway 6, with the hope and expectation they will be more likely to stop and spend some time and money in Price.
    So far, $70,000 has been raised for the beautification project. A price tag for the project is set at about $700,000 but Price City Council member Kathy Hanna-Smith said the actual cost will be much less than that because of the in-kind work being donated by the government entities, construction companies and engineering firm.  
    A memorandum of understanding between Price City and Carbon County was discussed at the regular city council meeting of September 13 and then tabled to allow council members time to search the budget to fund the city’s contribution. The MOU will be revisited during the Price City Council meeting this week. The county approved an MOU with the city and also with UDOT in July.
    Chairman of the Beautification Committee Mark Holyoak said the project will include water-saving xeriscaping with some natural vegetation, native stone and ongoing weed sterilization. Work is underway on phase one, which is the northwest quadrant of Exit 240. Holyoak said most of the traffic coming into town comes from the north and it makes sense to begin there. The first phase is expected to be completed by Thanksgiving.
    Holyoak concluded, “I’m excited about the positive energy and people pulling together on a grass roots level to make this happen.”    

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