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Bridal Focus: Wedding Stress Solutions



By Renee Banasky
Contributing Writer

Wedding plans can become consuming. The bride, groom and their parents can spend all of their time thinking and talking about it as the day approaches. It’s important to remember that you’ll have a life after the wedding. Be sure to spend time ‘away’ from wedding plans by nourishing your relationship with the person you will spend the rest of your life with. Here are a few ideas to take a break away from wedding plans.

Go on a no wedding talk date

Take your sweetheart out on a simple date where you only have one rule: don’t talk about wedding plans! It is almost hilarious how quickly you’ll stop yourself from wedding talk. It will become apparent how much mental energy you have been putting into preparing for the big day. Shift the talk away from the wedding by asking your fiance questions about his or her childhood, adventures they want to have in the future, or favorite places in the world. If money is short, because you’re putting all of it into the wedding, go on a long walk together. Walk the Helper Parkway and then stroll along the gallery windows and enjoy the art on Main Street after. If you’re the bride, you may want to try going to lunch with your mother and ban all wedding talk, because she’s suffering from wedding overload as well. It’s good to remember that there is more to your relationships than the upcoming event.

Serve someone else

Weddings are huge stress and it’s easy to become so consumed that it seems like the wrong ribbon color is a national travesty. To leave your own concerns behind, think about someone else. Rake a neighbor’s leaves, visit a home for older people, make cookies and leave them on doorsteps. The options are limitless, but something amazing will happen in your brain. Your focus will shift from your own worries. Many scientific studies have shown that giving releases chemicals in the brain that reduce stress make you feel good and even extend your life. You will feel refreshed and ready to tackle wedding difficulties after thinking about how someone else’s troubles are bigger than your own.

Enjoy nature together

Take a hike or go fishing together. Fishing ponds are minutes away at the Carbon County Fairgrounds or Gigliotti Pond. The joy of catching a fish or watching a hawk soar through the sky can sooth wedding woes. Take a hike to enjoy the lift of exercise and the delight of seeing Mother Nature up close. Pack a picnic and it’s a complete date.


When the veil comes out of the box all wrinkly or it’s raining on the day of your wedding, lift the mood by taking a deep breath and laughing! Choosing to see the lighter side of stress can make difficult situations easier for everyone. If your little brother trips and spills red punch on your train during the reception, laugh and think to yourself, “We’ll remember this forever.” Choosing to smile when things go wrong (instead of crying) can change a catastrophe into a delightful bonding moment. Remember that relationships with family and friends will be the most important memory you have of your wedding day.

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