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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Water, water everywhere?

By Sun Advocate

Now more than ever, Carbon County should double its efforts to build a lower elevation reservoir. This year the water outlook for our community is already projected to be 200% of normal. That means this year we will have two times the amount we would have on a normal year. I think we can safely assume we will have enough water to go around this year! Our prayers have been answered! I know some think the discussions going on about building a lower elevation reservoir are no longer needed. But that is wrong.
All the snow melting is going down the river to our neighbors to the south. With the lower elevation reservoir, we could be capturing that water and storing it to be used later when we actually need it to water our yards and fields. We need an emergency supply of water.
I recognize there are some challenges associated with the reservoir. The most important being the cost. But I have confidence in our community leaders to make the best decisions for us. I can see how much of a positive impact this reservoir can have on Carbon County. It represents a future for Carbon County and our children.
Kendra Seeley

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