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Price city wellness program gains statewide recognition

By Sun Advocate

As the nation continues to focus on promoting a healthy America, local cities are bolstering community awareness through special programs.
In recognition of the city’s efforts, Price’s wellness program was recently honored by Select Health.
Price was chosen to receive the statewide Select 25 award for encouraging healthy behaviors in the city’s employees and the local community.
The award is presented to 25 groups at locations throughout Utah.
According to a press release issued by the Price City Council, the winners will receive $2,500 to further the cause as part the award.
Recipients will be recognized at an awards luncheon on May 27 in Salt Lake City.
Price’s wellness council has been in place since 2005 with 10 members comprised of city employees along with an elected official.
Presently, the chair of the council is Ron Brewer, supervisor of the city’s water treatment plant.
Committee members generally meet the first Wednesday of the month.
Emphasizing healthy lifestyles, the groups has been involved in:
•Wellness screenings.
•Safe work and environment programs.
•Healthy walks.
•No weight gain contests.
•Tobacco cessation programs.
•Healthy snack policies.
•Health and wellness incentive rebate programs.
Price city will celebrate the award by offering a community walk punch card pass to residents interested in the program.
Participants will receive a walking stick, sling pack or pillow ball for completing the majority of walks.
Walking locations include local historic areas, parks, cemeteries, Price city facilities, cove basin, the Helper parkway, College of Eastern Utah and business loop
Americans throughout the United States are realizing the need to increase heart health and a wealth of information regarding the subject is posted across the web.
“If you are not convinced about the need to develop an exercise program for your life, you can at least try following some of these tips in your everyday routine,” states the online exploration of heart health at www.fi.edu. “Take advantage of any opportunity for exercise.”
The site recommends:
•Taking the stairs instead of an elevator at school or the mall.
People should start with one flight of stairs.
•Parking motor vehicles at the far end of parking lots when shopping.
The walk will help the heart.
•Spending a few minutes of daily lunch breaks strolling around a local park.
The community walks program will start June 16 and end Aug. 1.
Interested residents may visit the Price City Hall for maps of activities, punch card passes or other detail.

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