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Castle Gate Robbery



By Sun Advocate

Town overrun by gunslingers

Action from one of the town to the characterized the two-days of the big Castle Gate Robbery held at the North Springs Shooting Range and Recreation Area May 16 and 17.

More than 100 sharpshooters converged on Castle Gate Town at the North Springs Shooting Range and Recreation Area May 16 and 17. The weapon totin’ visitors came from eight states and even as far away as Nebraska to participate in the Castle Gate Robbery sponsored by the Castle Gate Posse.
“All we have heard is ‘it went wonderful, it was fantastic, I can’t believe,'” Cowboy Murderin’ Maude, president of the Castle Gate Posse.
Maude said that in all 109 shooters made their way around the cowboy town over the two days and even finished way ahead of schedule.
“They were cooking,” she said.
The territorial governors from the Single Action Shooting Society, which the posse is a member, were on hand and according to Maude were highly complimentary of how seamlessly the two-day event went.
Taking out bad guys wasn’t the only draw of the robbery. Redwing Trading, Co., Ear Lady, Elsie’s Shoppe, Bumblebee Bullet Company and John Hagner with the Stunt Man’s Hall of Fame were on site providing Old West clothes and accessories.
Aug. 2 Castle Gate will be overrun once again when the posse hosts the SASS Utah State Black Powder Shootout. Visit www.thecastlegateposse.net for more information.

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