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Letter to the Editor: Vote for school vouchers

By Sun Advocate

We will soon be at the polls voting again. One big thing on the ballot is the referendum on school vouchers.
First off I do not have school age children. Secondly, I will be referring to schools on a national basis for the most part. From what I have learned the schools in Utah are good and most parents are satisfied. What referendum one, is really about, is who will control the education of your children. You or the liberal educators now controlling the majority of the nations schools, and probably Utah as well. You should ask yourself, why is home schooling on the rise across the nation? Why are home schooled children doing as well as, or in most cases better than public education? I believe the recent Spelling Bee champion was home schooled. This applies to charter schools and private schools as well. One political ad says 429 million will be diverted from the public school system. It seems to me that the number of vouchers that are issued would determine the amount of money that would be diverted from the public school system.
It has been stated that charter schools and private schools do not have to be accredited and teachers do not have to be certified. Well accredited and certification, does not necessarily mean that your child will get a better education. Across the nation 60 percent of the students that graduate can not read the diploma that they received. Just recently the majority of children polled could not find the United States on a world map, Nor could they find Pacific Ocean or even the middle East. Is this because no child should be left behind?
A school district in New Hampshire recently decided that middle school children should be given birth control. I do believe that California has taken out of their school books the traditional mom and dad family unit and replaced it with Jane has two mothers and Dick has two fathers. Homosexualism is taught in schools to elementary children. Most parents do not want this for their children no matter what state they live in.
Can this sort of education come to Utah? It is we the voters that have the ability to change things. The question is, will we the voters wake up and take back our country? Will we the voters stay informed and keep vigilant over the people we hire to represent us? It is doubtful. The United States is slowly becoming socialistic, and we the voters are not concerned about that. We would rather concern our selves with who is the present leader on American Idol, Brittany Spears or what ever the major media should have you believe or want you to believe.
Do not let the liberal National Education Association dictate the education of your child.
Vote for school vouchers.

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