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July 1 brings change in hunting licenses

By Sun Advocate

One of the biggest changes on July 1 involves a requirement that hunters buy either a hunting license (formerly called a small game license) or a combination license before they can apply for or obtain a hunting permit.
For example, before a hunber can apply for or obtain a general season deer hunting permit, they must buy a hunting license or a combination license first.
There are two exceptions to this rule. If they have a 365-day small game or combination license that’s still valid on July 1, they don’t have to buy a new hunting or combination license until your license expires.
Lifetime license holders are also exempt from this requirement because their license is valid through their lifetime.
Beginning July 1, a hunting license will cost $26 for residents and $65 for nonresidents. A combination license will cost $30 for residents and $80 for nonresidents.
In addition to allowing hunters to apply for or obtain a hunting permit, a hunting license allows you to hunt small game. A combination license allows them to fish, hunt small game and apply for or obtain a hunting permit.
“In the past, paying $5 to try and draw a big game permit was the only financial contribution many people made to Utah’s wildlife,” says Jim Karpowitz, director of the DWR. “Now people will have to buy a hunting or combination license before they can apply for or obtain a hunting permit. We think this is a good way to spread the cost of wildlife management out among all sportsmen.”
The fee changes will provide the DWR with the funding it needs to continue managing Utah’s wildlife effectively.
“Not only will the fee changes allow us to meet our operating expenses, they’ll allow us to help sportsmen and wildlife in some new ways,” Karpowitz says.
The following are some of the ways the new funding will benefit sportsmen and wildlife:
•The amount of private land open to sportsmen through the DWR’s new walk-in access program will continue to grow.
•More habitat work can be done to benefit wildlife across Utah.
•Work will continue to control phragmities, a plant that’s invaded many of the marshes along the eastern shore of the Great Salt Lake.
•The state’s wildlife and waterfowl management areas will be improved.

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