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Little league season winds down, heads toward All-Stars



By Sun Advocate

Twelve-year-old Jordan Blanc circles the base pads after smacking his 21st HR of the season. This is Jordan’s last year of little league.

In a tradition as American as apple pie and the flag, little league baseball is alive and going strong in Carbon County. With two weeks left in the season the players are all hoping to shine and get noticed before the coaches sit down and select the All-star teams for the area.
In the 12-13 year old ranks that is going to be quite a feat as there are a boat load of talented players on all of the teams this season. Many of the boys play both in the league play and are part of a traveling team that takes on competition from the surrounding areas.
With so many players having a great year it is hard to single out any one player, even one like Jordan Blanc who has belted 21 homers so far this season. His teammate, Bryce Blackburn recently hit three in one game. On any given night there are others who are playing the kind of games that a pro player would eat his heart out to have.
In an era where bad sportsmanship among players and fans seems to run rampant, the local little league games seem to be a step backward to a time where the family and kids have a deep respect for the game.
With only two weeks left in the season there is still time to go out and watch some of these talented kids play their hearts out. For a schedule and times for the remaining games you can contact Jeff Blanc at 637-3975.

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