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CHS Golfers Finish Season

By Sun Advocate

Carbon Highs golf team shot its final Region 8 golf match last week.
It was held last Thursday at Palisade State Park, the home course for North Sanpete. The Dinos team did very well.
Although Carbon finished in third place for the match, it was a very close finish. Juan Diego shot a team total of 311 and they won the match and finished in first place overall for Region 8. Delta had a team score of 318 and the Dinos finished with a team total of 319.
The single shot deficit that dropped them into a third place for the match still allowed the Dino squad to take second place overall for the season in the region. In the end they held on to a slim 5 shot lead ahead of Delta overall.
Carbon’s team leaders were Brett Johnson 79, Ween Ngamketkamol 79, Jason Child 80 and Corbin Black 81.
Other varsity scores were Jordan Pinedo 83, Kevin Johnson 88, Shayne Burke 89 and Ryan Nelson 92.
Shayne Burke finished in 5th place overall for individuals with Ween Ngamketkamol finishing in 6th place and Brett Johnson finishing in 9th place.
The team is now allowed to take six players to state. Those players include Shayne Burke, Ween Ngamketkamol, Brett Johnson, Jason Child, Corbin Black, and Jordan Pinedo. The first alternate, in case something happens to one of the top six, is Kevin Johnson. Ryan Nelson is the second alternate. Coach Tony Pinedo was pleased with his team’s performance this year. He felt they all played well throughout the season.
“It was very close to see who the top six players would be,” said Pinedo.
The team will play at the state tournament on Oct. 9 and 10 at the Birch Creek Golf Course located in Smithfield, just north of Logan.

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