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Letter to the Editor: Special people

By Sun Advocate

If you don’t believe that the doctors and nurses are special people, try living without them. These special people work many hours, much more than we realize.
Why are they special? Because of the love and feelings for another human being. They not only take care of the patient of an operation, accident or one of a million other sicknesses, but they make your bed fresh. Not just one bed, but many. This alone is hard work but they rub your back, bring your meals, give you every comfort they can. And all with a smile.
If everyone in all the world had love for one another as these people do, I believe there would be no murder.
And yet through all these hours of hard work they still come in with a smile on their faces and ask if there is anything else you need or they can do.
Sure they get paid for it, but stop and think of all the times they are called out day or night, and on holidays.
When I was released from the hospital a nurse made the statement that I recovered fast. I didn’t do this all alone; I had a lot of help. We should praise our doctors and nurses instead of criticizing them.
We are all humans. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. Doctors and nurses can only do so much. They can’t work miracles, only God can do that. So, I say to these people ( the doctors and nurses at the hospital) may God richly bless each and everyone of you.

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