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Talent show raises funds for Cancer Society Relay for Life



By Sun Advocate

Vocalists Kassidy and Kristy Sitterud perform a duet together.

Castleview Hospital hosted its third annual talent show Feb. 16. Procedes from the event go to support the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
Entertainment was provided by local community members including a piano duet by Jay and Melissa Jeppson; a vocal act by Kassidy and Kristy Sitterud; poetry by Dr. Wayne Cox; a vocal solo by McKenzie Moynier; piano duet by Talmage and Dr. Rex Nielson; drum solo by Cole Thomas; vocal quartet by Jose Lucero, Adam Potts, Thomas Garvin and Andy Olsen; pantomime by Bret Hughes; vocal solo by Trinity Key; a guitar, banjo and vocal performance by Steve and Andrew Lasslo and Dick Raich; and special appearances by Lucille Ball, played by Serena Key, and George Burns, played by A.J. Akins.
Relay For Life raises money for research and programs of the American Cancer Society. Teams across the country gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times. Carbon County’s relay for life is scheduled for June 10 at College of Eastern Utah.

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