104- Personal
ABORTION? WHY? Consider adoption. Warm, secure, loving home available for newborn baby. Please call 1-800-606-4411. A-973. (ucan). (02012f)
IF YOU build, remodel or remove buildings you can place your classified ad in 47 of Utah’s newpapers for only $135 for 25 words ($5 for each additional word). You will reach up to 500,000 potential customers and all you do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN Classified Network). (ucan). (02012f)
SUN ADVOCATE and Emery County Progress does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any product or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress hereby disclaims all liability for any damage suffered as the result of any advertisement in these newspapers. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress has the sole authority to edit and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress reserves the right to refuse any advertising. (02012f)
THE UTAH Army National Guard is currently offering a $15,000 bonus to prior-service soldiers willing to get back in. Contact SSG Waco Randall at (435) 637-6311. (ucan). (02012f)
105- Special Notices
BEST SEA Burger in town- Velvet Freeze, call in orders Welcome 637-1954. (01278b)
FOUR CORNERS Community Behavioral Health is accepting bids on a 1993 GMC Safari 8 passenger van AM/FM cassette audio system, air conditioning, power locks, power windows, light blue color, approx. 130,000 miles. Minimum bid amount is $850. Bids can be delivered to New Heights Clubhouse 77 South 600 East. Bidding is open until Friday, Feb.11, 2005 at 5:00p.m. winning bidder notified on 2/14/05. Van is parked at New Heights Clubhouse. (02014p)
HOUSE WARMING: Februrary5, 12-5p.m. 442 North 100 East. Beautiful Valentine Gifts and closeout on Christmas decorations. Will accept checks. (02012p)
SALT LAKE Candle Flavor of the Month “German Strudel Cake.” 15% off all sizes. Chriss Gray and Karen Birch, 150 S. 700 East, Price, Tues-Thurs, 2-4p.m. (71tf)
THE GOLDEN Rule Mission Thrift Store will be closed from February 3rd for ten days. During this time the face of the building will be restored to it’s original look. Deliveries and donations may be made at the back back door.
UPS SERVICE is available at CJ’s Do it center. Open 7 days/wk. 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
112- Business Opportunity
ALL CASH candy route Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and candy. All for $9,995. 1-800-814-6047. (ucan). (02012f)
ESTABLISHED TURNKEY Business for sale in Price. call 650-5557. (01278p)
HEAVY INDUSTRIAL building for sale locally. $750,000, $7,000 per month return contact. 435-637-9300 ext. 11. (0316tf)
SMALL BUSINESS owners: Place your classified ad in 47 newspapers throughout Utah for only $135 for 25 words, $5 per word over 25. You will reach up to 500,000 buyers and it is a one call, one order, one bill program. Call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732, or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for further info. (ucan). (02012f)
113- Help Wanted
**ATTENTION** LADIES: Avon has great opportunities. Earn extra $$$, work own hours. 637-0136 1-800-713-1839. Ind./sls./rep. (87tf)
BUSINESS OWNERS if you need someone fast, place your classified ad in all 47 of Utah’s newspapers. The cost is only $135 for a 25 word ad and it reaches up to 500,000 people. All you do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan). (02012f)
CAREGIVER POSITION to be filled in Huntington, full or p/t hours, afternoon and day shifts available. Must be reliable and self-motivated, lifting and housekeeping involved. No experience necessary. Competitive wage. 435-687-9580. (01254p)
CJ’S IS looking for HVAC Tech. Must be Refrigerant certified. CJ’s, 710 E. Main. 636-8100. (0831tf)
DRIVER- COVENANT Transport. Excellent pay and benefits for experienced drivers, O/O, solos, teams and graduate students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal opportunity employer. 1-888-MOREPAY (1-888-667-3729). (ucan). (02012f)
DRIVER- DRIVE regional? Over-the-road- lots of miles. Great company and benefits. www.primeinc.com. 1-800-771-6318. (ucan). (02012f)
DRIVERS- JOIN the Andrus Transportation Team where families are just as important as our drivers. New competitive pay and bonus packages, benefits. Call recruiting today! 1-800-888-5838. (ucan). (02012f)
DRIVERS-BANK on it! All the miles you want! Many regional run options, new big pay increases, low cost CDL training. Swift Transportation 1-866-333-8801, www.SwiftTruckingJobs.com (ucan). (02012f)
HIDDEN SPLENDOR Resources, Horizon Mine is currently accepting applications for the following positions: Section Foreman, Fire Boss, Maintenance Foreman, Mechanics/Electricians, Miner Operators, Roof Bolters, Shuttle Car Operators, Utility/Out-by Personnel. Those interested can apply at Workforce Services in Price, Utah or can send resume to Mid-State services at PO Box 32 Helper, Utah 84526. (01274p)
HIRING PART time Cook, morning and evening shifts. Apply in person at Carbon Country Club, 3055 N. Highway 6, Helper. (01254b)
MANAGER /STYLIST SMART STYLE Family Salon looking for motivated Stylists in Wal-Mart Super Center. Great benefits included, paid vacation, 401K plan, insurance benefits, free supplies and much more. Call now for interviews, Krysti 888-888-7778. (01208b)
RADIO ADVERTISING Salesperson. Training available. Eastern Utah Broadcasting Co. KOAL-Kickin Country. Apply by phone M-F 8:30-5p.m. 637-1167. Equal Opportunity Employer. (511tf)
SENIOR AUTOMATION TECHNICIAN: Installs and provides service and support for flow computer/RTU equipment and customers. Trains customers on equipment usage. Good customer service and communication skills, good analytical/technical skills and related experience required. Technical degree, IEC61131-3 programming skills and oil field experience preferred. One position located in Vernal, Utah and one in Rock Springs, Wyoming. Send resume to PCE Pacific, 1916- 220th Street SE, Bothell, Washington 98021, fax 1-324-487-1114, or e-mail hrpcepacific@pcepacific.com. EOE. (ucan) (02012f)
UTAH LICENSED Journeyman plumber- year round full time, all work in the Dushesne Utah area, paying top wages call Victoria at 435-738-6400(01274b)
116- Daycare
LOVING, CARING licensed daycare provider has various availabilities for 2 year olds and older. For more information call Amber 650-2468. (01208p)
121- Building and Construction
CABINETS, FROM complete design to installation. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
LARRY DAVIS Construction. General contractor. Licensed and insured. No job too small. Call 637-8302. (916tf)
METAL BUILDINGS- Commercial and residential; cement work; carports; additions. Call Larry Young Construction, 636-0135 or 820-8050 cell. (1111tf)
UTAH MANUFACTURER for 17 years Plus-All Steel Buildings!!! Any size you want, any accessories you want, or any features you want. www.cobuildings.net or call 1-800-262-5347. CO Buildings Systems, Inc. Building a reputation on “Old Fashioned Integrity”. (ucan) (02012f)
122- Cleaning Services
ALWAYS CALL a professional, the original Spic & Span. Walls, ceilings and windows. For free estimates call Trudy Axelsen, 637-4558. (78tf)
PMT CLEANING Services. Call 435-848-5329 or 435-738-2456. (01254p)
125- Miscellaneous Services
REDOING A basement floor? Want to coat your garage concrete? Cracked or flaking concrete driveway? Want a custom patio floor? J&M Custom Flooring Systems 1-888-394-4527. (ucan). (02012f)
126- Painting
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR painting. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount. No job too small. 637-2954. (1028tf)
131- Apartments for Rent
$260 TWO BEDROOM in Ferron. Air, all appliances plus dishwasher, washer/dryer hookups. Cable ready. Storage available. Paved parking. Garbage dumpster. 384-2220. (01138b)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Helper. $310, includes Questar. 472-5213 8-5p.m. weekdays. (930tf)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT or 2 bedroom dorm style apartment $325/month heat included. 820-9506 or 637-9556. (0201tf)
1 OR 2 BEDROOM in Helper. All utilities plus cable paid. $375. No smoking. 472-8404. (011812b)
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent $475, inc. utilities. New appliances, washer/dryer included. 637-7411. (01274p)
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Castle Dale $250 plus $150 cleaning deposit, laundry facilities. No pets. 381-2287 or 749-0495. (01188p)
2 BEDROOM HUNTINGTON. Stove, refrigerator, W/D hookups. Carport. No pets. 435-687-9261. (0125tf)
2 BEDROOM IN Ferron. Section 8 and low income welcome. Call 435-381-2028 or 801-376-8564. (0907tf)
2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, fridge, dishwasher, no pets, preference given to low income , history of mental illness or homelessness. $335 plus utilities. call 637-4247. (02016p)
2 BEDROOM, FURNISHED or unfurnished, NE Price, dishwasher, large bedrooms, W/D, reasonable rates. Call Bridge Realty for details, 650-4067, 637-7900 or 637-0846. (1014tf)
3 BEDROOM CASTLE Dale, gas heat, stove, refrigerator. No pets. 381-2028. (1130tf)
APARTMENTS FOR rent in Castle Dale, Orangeville and Ferron. Call 381-2411. (0413tf)
ELMO 1 BEDROOM apts., water, heat, garbage, sewer included, no smoking/no pets. 653-2680. (01118p)
FERRON 2 BEDROOM apts. Gas heat, water heaters. Storage, fenced yard, new paint. No pets. $300/month. (435)384-2865. (0106tf)
HEAT PAID, large 1 bedroom. 400 E. 213 South. $350/month, $200 deposit. No pets nor smoking. 653-2421. (0201tf)
LARGE, CLEAN 2 bedroom apartment, close to college. No smoking nor pets. 637-8685. (01254b)
NEWLY REMODELED 1 bedroom apt. $400/month, includes all utilities/sat. television, $200 security deposit. No pets/smoking. 637-4716/leave message, or 650-0809.(01204p)
NEWLY REMODELED Huntington 4-plex, large three bedroom, one bath, dishwasher, W/D hookups, fireplace. $375 plus utilities. Other units $325 plus utilities, $200 deposit. Call 435-820-1200 or 820-0410. (821tf)
NICE, LARGE 2 bedroom apartment. Includes utilities. No pets. 472-0255. (0106tf)
NORTHEAST PRICE, 2 bedroom, 825 North 100 East, recently remodeled, $225-285 monthly, plus deposit, call Justin, 435-749-2055. (02018p)
ONE AND two bedroom apartments for rent. No pets. 637-2115. 0722tf)
ORANGEVILLE LARGE 2-story 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, laundry room. Many extras. No pets. References. $390/month. 748-2415. (225tf)
TWO BEDROOM apartment in choice N.E. Price neighborhood. Includes heat and hot water for savings on your utilities. No pets. Call 637-4050 days, 637-3770 nights/weekends. (57tf)
VERY CLEAN large and small kitchenettes, ideal for out-of- town workers. 637-0950. (tf)
132- Houses for Rent
1 BEDROOM HOUSE, lots of storage plus shed out back, W/D hookups, large yard. $325/mo. + deposit.. 801-483-1365 or 435-613-0640 after 5p.m. (01138b)
2 BEDROOM, 365 S 100 E, Price
Fridge, stove newly painted. $450/month, $300/deposit. (01272p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH doublewide trailer w/double car garage in Helper. $450. First/last, partially furnished. Housing approved. 472-3415. (02014p)
FOR RENT- 2 bedroom, 1 bath home in Kenilworth $400 per month, $200 dep. Call Tamie Peczuh 650-0461 or Etzel Realty 637-6777. (01258b)
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 1 bath home in Spring Glen $550 per month, $500 deposit. Call Tamie Peczuh 650-0461 or 637-6777. (01258b)
RECENTLY RENOVATED 3 bedroom, 1 bath, W/D hookups, everything new. NS/NP $600, $500 deposit. 435-512-2629. (01138p)
VERY CLEAN 2 bedroom, 1 bath near college. Available February. Call 801-651-5236. (01254p)
134- Mobile Homes for Rent
$335/MONTH, 3 BEDROOM, private yard. Nice, quiet park. 613-0399/1-888-760-2100, cell 801-623-0261. (01204p)
1 BEDROOM TRAILER, private lot, storage shed, $280/month $200/deposit. 637-7425(01272p)
2 & 3 BEDROOMS FOR rent. Housing approved. Call 637-1749. (0629tf)
2 BEDROOM MOBILE home $250/month. Also 3 bedroom, 2 bath $350/month. 637-7469. (0201tf)
2 BEDROOM TRAILER on private lot w/2 acre pasture. Newly remodeled. $550. 637-2571. (01274b)
3 BEDROOM 2 BATH on private lot . Housing approved. Call 435-637-7900 for more info. (1014tf)
NEWLY REMODELED listed with Housing. 3 bedroom, 2 bath on private lot in Wellington with an attached storage area. 637-3583. (01185p)
135- Mobile Home Spaces
BLUE CUT RV Park located between Price and Helper. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. 472-3646 or 637-0188. (1025tf)
ESQUIRE ESTATES Mobile Home Park, Castle Dale. Large lots, good location, RV parking available. Weekly and monthly rates. 381-2750. (01016tf)
136- Office Space
900- SQ. FT. office space available. Brick building. Great parking. Main street location. 637-8900. (01254b)
NEWLY REMODELED office space for lease, 572 sq. ft. Utilities, heat, janitorial, air conditioning included. Phone 637-2945. (tf)
OFFICE/SALON for rent. 637-1131. (010416p)
141- Commercial Property
COMMERCIAL OFFICE for lease/sale. 10,700 (3,500 and 7,200) lease all or parts. 1350 S 100 E, Price. http://www.skhansen.net, 602-284-0900. (0812tf)
HEAVY INDUSTRIAL building for sale locally. $750,000, $7,000 per month. Return contact. 435-637-9300 ext. 11. (0316tf)
143- Houses for Sale
2 BEDROOM 1 BATH home. Asking $60, 000, 507E 200N. After 5p.m. 637-9147. (01278p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH. Under $60,000. Call 637-2549. Financing available. (0203tf)
BY OWNER- 2170 sq. ft.. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced backyard, garage and carport. fruit trees, greenhouse and garden spot, fireplace. 838 E. 800 North, Price. More info., please call 636-8750. (01208b)
EASY HOME ownership! Price 6 bed 3.5 bth. Nice! Take over my payment hurry! 3% moves you in. Plus $825 mo. 435-749-1447. (01254p)
HOME FOR sale: Tri-level, overlooking Price, located in a newer subdivision, 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fireplace, 3 car garage. Yard is fully landscaped with sprinkling system, and enclosed with a privacy fence. Asking $220,000. 380 West 800 South, Price. For appointment to see home call 637-6530 or 637-9509. (01274p)
HOME IN Huntington on .93 acre, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, outbuildings, newly remodeled, $65,000/offer, owner/agent, Curt Allred, 435-691-9195. (02018p)
IMMACULATE MODULAR home on 1/2 acre in Huntington, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, nice neighborhood, great floor plan, call for more details, 435-687-9942. (02018p)
J5 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, 2 car garage home in Helper. Good location near elementary and jr. high schools. Extra lot in back for RV parking. New roof, central air, new furnace, automatic sprinkler system. For more info contact 472-5056. (01254b)
PLANNING ON selling your home, you could be sending your sales points to up to 500,000 people at once. For $135 you can place your 25 word classified ad to all 47 newspapers in Utah. Just call Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress at 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan). (02012f)
REDUCED BY $20,000 for quick sale now $45,000, good investment near college, phone Leo at Bridge Realty 650-2163. (01188b)
TURN OF the century, original wood interior/exterior, 1-1/2 baths, garden, fruit trees, grapes, street and alley access. 405 N. 200 E. 637-4464. (01118p)
TWO BEDROOM, 879 N. 300 E., Price. Large living room, dining area, very nice kitchen, bathroom and laundry room upstairs. New central air, gas furnace and water heater. Automatic sprinkler system, carport and garage. Partially finished basement. (435)637-2347. (01204p)
144- Lots and Acreages
BUILDING LOTS in N.E. Price. Priced to sell. $19,500. 650-3520. (0831tf)
UTAH’S BEST land bargain. 40 acres- $19,900. Uintah Mountain area. Outdoor lover’s dream! Dramatic mountain views, close to conveniences. Surrounded by wilderness. Nearby lake and state parks. Excellent financing. Call UTLR 1-877-349-5263. (ucan). (02012f)
145- Mobile Homes
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH mobile home $7,000 or best offer. 636-0140 or 650-1742. (01138p)
MOBILE HOMES rent to own. We carry the contract. Easy financing. Many to choose from. Various prices. Down payment req. (various amounts). Located in Price & Wellington. Contact Brian at: 435-613-9212(Office) or 435-650-1523(cell). (01118p)
149- Water Shares
FOR SALE: 5 Scofield Reservoir water shares, all or part. $1,600 each. 435-384-3154. (01138p)
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR water shares for sale. Contact Nancy, Agent, Century 21 Castleland for info., 637-4744 or 637-5471. (54tf)
WANTED: SCOFIELD res. water shares. Submit proposals to P.O. Box 700, Price, UT 84501. Large or small quantity. (610tf)
151- Farm Equipment
1998 PONDEROSA STOCK trailer fifth wheel, used twice, like new, 4-horse $3,000. 653-2653. (01254p)
410- MASSEY FERGUSON combine, diesel engine, 12 and 18 foot head. 435-687-2149, see at 310 North Tin Can Alley, Lawrence, Utah. (01186p)
ATTN: LANDOWNERS fully mechanized logging. Thin out your trees, reduce fire hazard, and receive good income. Well established logging company recently relocated to Price. References available. (435)613-1553. (01274p)
HEAVY HAULING lowboy services. Serving Utah and surrounding states. UP to 100,000lbs. 435-613-1553. (01274p)
154- Fruit and Produce
RED POTATOES for sale. 637-0296 or 637-6733. (010424p)
155- Hay and Grain
ALL SIZES, prices vary, semi-loads delivered. Call 820-8028 or 653-2466. Call anytime. (011116p)
EXCELLENT COVERED horse hay for sale. $2.75/bale. Call 435-637-0311. (01188p)
GRAIN FOR sale. Straw for sale. Top quality hay for sale. Call 637-4157 or 636-7666. (010612b)
HAY FOR sale. Top quality. 637-1350. (0122tf)
THIRD CUT hay for sale $2.50 per bale/OBO. Last years first cut, decent hay $1.75/OBO. 637-2240. (01204b)
164- Livestock
2-HORSE TRAILER single axle, asking $400 or best offer. 472-2800. (0118tf)
BRED COWS, 250 head all young solid mouth, sell any amount you pick. Call (435)462-2731. (ucan). (02012f)
BUILDING FENCE panels? Cheap pipe and tube. All sizes, lengths. Call 1-800-947-0249. Metalmart, 181 South 1200 East, Lehi, Utah. (ucan). (02012f)
HORSES: BUY, sell or trade. All kinds. Call 653-2327.
NEED LIVESTOCK hauled? For more information please call 435-637-8176 and speak to Dustin. (01258p)
166- Pets
2 YEAR OLD purebred German Shepherd. Obedience trained. Indoor/outdoor dog. Great with kids. Moving, need to sell fast. 650-5389, leave message. (02012p)
3 CHIHUAHUAPUPPIES born Dec. 2. Ready to go $300. 435-848-5329. (01274p)
6 MONTH OLD full blooded Jack Russell. House broke, all shots, neutered, very loving and friendly. $300. 613-0868. (02016p)
AKC REGISTERED Dachshund puppies, 8 weeks old. Black and tan, 1 male and 2 females. $250. 435-542-3445, 435-542-3249. (02014p)
DACHSHUND $150. One cocoa with gold markings, two black splashed with gold. Call 435-653-2546. (01204p)
LAB PUPPIES AKC chocolate and black. 435-653-2281. (02014p)
172- Furniture
REPOS, TRADE INS, scratch & dents- Night stands, microwaves, sleeper sofa, sofa & loveseat, full & queen mattresses, TVs, recliners and more. See at Bill’s Home Furnishings, 45 S. 300 East, Price. (01204b)
174- Yard Sale/Garage Sale
ESTATE SALE 225 W. Railroad Ave., Price. 10-4p.m. Friday and Saturday. Antiques, collectibles, household. New stuff weekly until gone. (01254p)
GIANT GARAGE Sale every Friday. Thousands of items from antiques to new. 535 E. Main, Castle Dale. (1207tf)
176- Household Appliances
SQUARE DEAL Appliances. Washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Call for appointment, 472-0113 or 650-4515. (0603tf)
177- Miscellaneous for Sale
2000 PLATINUM SERIES Jacuzzi hot tub. Very excellent condition. New cover. 7’X7″in size. Call 637-1439 after 7 p.m. (0125tf)
ANASAZI ELK Ranch is now selling elk meat. Harvest and process your own animal or we can haul to processor. $500 per animal. Buy elk burger by the pound. $3.50/lb. Patty or bulk. Also available jerky or elk meat sticks $5 per package. 384-2470. (01118p)
BABY CLOTHES and accessories, antique upright piano $300, wood twin size bed $30, oak bookcase $50, dog run panels w/gate $200. 637-7917. (02012p)
FREE 4-ROOM DirecTV system includes standard installation. 3 months free HBO & Cinemax! Access to over 225 channels. Limited time offer. S&H, restrictions apply. 1-800-474-5079. (ucan). (02012f)
FREE 4-ROOM DirecTV system including standard installation. 3 months free HBO and Cinemas! Access to over 225 channels. Limited time offer. S&H, restrictions apply. Call 1-800-311-9053. (02012f) (ucan)
PAINT, ALL Do-It-Best paint must be liquidated AT 25% off. CJ’s, 710 E. Main, 636-8100. (0106tf)
PURLINS- RED iron low cost. In stock, 3″ 4″, 6″, 8″, 10″. Call for prices, sizes. 1-800-947-0249. Metalmart, Lehi, Utah. 181 South 1200 East. Metalmart.biz. (ucan). (02012f)
WATKINS OR Fuller Brush products, call Jennifer at 435-384-3299 or Dolly at 435-687-5375. (02018p)
YOU MAY have just the thing someone out of town is looking for. Place your classified ad in 47 of Utah’s newspapers, the cost is $135 for up to 25 words. You will be reaching a potential of up to 500,000 readers. All you need to do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress at 435-381-2431 for full details. (Mention UCAN). You can now order online www.utahpress.com. ucan) (02012f)
179- Musical Instruments
GUITAR WANTED! Local musician will pay up to $12,500 for pre-1975 Gibson, Fender, Martin, Rickenbaker and Gretsch guitars. Fender amplifiers also. Call toll free! 1-800-995-1217. (ucan). (02012f)
180- Pianos and Organs
PIANO TUNING and repairs special introductory price 637-5115. (01278p)
189- Fireplaces and Stoves
VENT-FREE fireplaces. 99.9% efficient. Starting at $399. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. 636-8100. (125tf)
192- Autos, New and Used
$500 POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps, from $500! For listings call 1-800-749-8104 ext. V896. (ucan). (02012f)
1975 VW SUPER BEETLE, new engine block, tires, alternator and more. $2,500. 435-650-3529. (01272p)
1987 CHEV BLAZER. See at 251 south 1600 East Behind Wal-Mart. 613-7535 ask for Tom. (01274p)
1988 BRONCO II $2,000/OBO; 1995 Chev Cavalier C.F. $4,000/OBO. 888-3307. (010412p)
1988 FORD T-BIRD. Runs, needs some work. Call days 749-9864, after 6p.m. 687-9263. (02012p)
1990 JEEP CHEROKEE Limited 220,000 miles, $1,500. 4-Wheeler trailer, single-axle, $600. 637-2110. (1274p)
1990 THUNDERBIRD LX, 66,000mile, cd, a/c, good condition, runs great. $2,000. 801-842-5540. (01272p)
1991 MERCURY COUGAR $1,000. Good condition. 435-637-0246. (01204p)
2000 FORD MUSTANG, V6,auto, air. Excellent! $8,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
2002 PONTIAC GRAND Am SE, 4-door, extra clean. $8,475. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
2003 BUICK LESABRE, 4-door sunroof. 24k. Warranty. $14,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
96 DODGE INTREPID 3.5L V^, Great Condition. $2,800-Call 381-2939. (01276p)
99 CHEVY MALIBU, power everything, CD player, runs good, 87K miles, $4,000/OBO, 748-2005.(02014p)
197- 4 Wheel Drive
1981 DODGE 1/2 TON 4X4. 637-5228. (1005tf)
1986 JEEP CHEROKEE 4×4 good condition. 1998 Ford Exp[lorer Spory 2dr. 637-5729. (01272f)
1990 BRONCO XLT, POWER everything. Excellent condition. Zero rust. Runs excellent. 472-3218 or nagalfar@hotmail.com for pictures. $3,880. (01256p)
1995 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Limited, V-8, auto, air, $5,500. Helper Auto 472-5533. (02014b)
1995 JEEP WRANGLER. Hard top. 3 inch body lift. 4-cyl., auto. trans. 637-8099. $4,800/OBO. (01254p)
1996 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4. One owner. Excellent. $6,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01044b)
1997 CHEVROLET 4X4 Z71 Extended Cab short bed. Black, 118,000 miles. V8 5.7 liter, automatic, 2 1/2″ lift, 33″ tires $11,200/OBO. Many more extras; 1994 Mustang, green, V6 automatic, new Pioneer CD stereo system, 159,000 miles, studded snow tires $3,600/OBO. 435-637-5960. (01184p)
1998 FORD EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer 4. Excellent. . $12,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
2000 FORD EXCURSION, 6.8, auto, loaded, 2 TV’S, 40k, $16,900. Helper Auto 472-5533 (02014b)
2000 GMC DENALI . Loaded. 74K. $15,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
2000 NISSAN XTERRA 4×4, V-6, auto, air, $14,500. Helper Auto 472-5333. (02014b)
2000 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 4X4, 5-speed. Extra clean. $14,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
2000 YUKON XL, 51,500 miles, exterior/interior like new, manual and automatic 4 wheel drive , OnStar, sunroof, heated leather seats, back seats audio system, back seats have separate heat and air conditioner, Big O tires one year ago, $23,000. 435-748-2127, 435-749-2450. (02018p)
2001 DODGE DAKOTA Sport Extra Cab 4X4. V8 loaded $10,400. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01044b)
2001 FORD SUPER Crew Lariat. loaded, excellent. $15,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
2002 CHEVROLET S-10 BLAZER, 4.3, auto, air, windows, clean, $12,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (02014b)
2002 JEEP LIBERTY Limited, 4×4, loaded, extra clean, $13,900.Helper Auto 472-5533. (02014b)
2002 MITSUBUSHI MONTERO Limited, fully loaded, extra nice, $15,400. Helper Auto 472-5533. (02014b)
2003 FORD EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer, 4X4, loaded, wheels, warranty, $30,900. Helper Auto 472-5533 (02014b)
2003 FORD F-350 SUPER Duty, super cab, extra clean, $12,900. Helper Auto 472-5533. (02014b)
2003 PONTIAC VIBE AWD SUV. Extra nice.$9,975. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01134b)
2003 SUBURBAN LT 1500 4X4. Excellent. $23,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01044b)
2004 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Laredo, loaded, warranty, $18,900. Helper Auto 472-5533 (02014b)
EXTRA CLEAN 98 Silverado Z71 4×4, loaded, 33,400 actual miles, 1 owner. Asking $15,000. 801-318-9960. (01278p)
200- Trucks and Vans
1970 GMC 2-TON dump, 10 ft. hydraulic angle snowplow. Good rubber. $4,000. 637-0188. (01204p)
2000 CHRYSLER TOWN and Country, V-6 auto, air loaded, $8,900 Helper Auto 472-5533. (02014b)
2002 FORD E-150 Window van, extra clean. $7,995. Helper Auto 472-5533 (02014b)
201- Snowmobiles
1995 YAMAHA 800 MAX 4, 2200 miles, PSI pipes, 1.75 paddles, hand warmers/extras. $2,000/best offer. 613-9248.(01204p)
2001 POLARIS RMK 800, 650 miles. Showroom condition. 637-4323. (01254b)