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Elder Bennett and Sister Cox



By Sun Advocate

Elder Bennett

Elder Darrell R. Bennett is returning to the local area after serving in the Oklahoma-Tulsa mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He is the son of Robert and Joy Bennett. He is the grandson of Lynn and Marianne Bennett, Edith Bennett and Robert and Dolores Stock.

Sister Cox

Sister Della Cox will return to the local area Nov. 24 after serving in the England-Birmingham mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sister Cox will speak during sacrament meeting Nov. 28 at 11 a.m. at the Castle Dale 1st LDS Ward.
She is the mother of Debra Britton, Phillip (Marquita) Cox, Rodney (Gayleen) Cox and Janine (Kevin) Gallagher.

Elder and Sister Mead

Elder Robert and Sister Irene Mead has been called to serve at the Laie Polynesian Cultural Center in the Hawaii-Honolulu mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder and Sister Mead are scheduled to speak at sacrament meeting Nov. 28 at 11 a.m. They will enter the missionary training center in Provo the following day and depart Dec. 4 for Hawaii.
The couple have five sons, Bliss and Nola Mead, Orangeville; Chad and Holly Mead, Spanish Fork; Dell and Stephnie Mead, Russ and Amanda Mead, Ferron; and Quinn and Kristy Mead, Eagle Mountain. They have 13 grandchildren.

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