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Letter to the Editor: the time has come

By Sun Advocate

After having read the Public Forum letter published in the Salt Lake Tribune on October 22, 2003, by Gil Montano of Layton, I wholeheartedly agree that it is time that those of you who agree with President Bush’s policies on Iraq listen up. As stated by Mr. Montano, 9-11 had nothing to do with Iraq, and vice-versa, and we have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The only threat in Iraq was Saddam Hussein against his own people, who, by the way, should have found the courage to overthrow him on their own. Instead, we go on another “save the world” mission and get hundreds (so far) of our young men and women killed. And for what? The Iraqi people do not want us there and we don’t belong there!
The warmongers and power trippers that are “running” this country are going to bring the United States to its knees if the citizens don’t do something to stop them.
Since Bush was appointed – that’s right, appointed – President, our economic situation has deteriorated severely and a large reason for that is the money we are spending to rebuild Iraq. I said “we” are spending because we, as citizens are not doing anything to stop it.
If we want to stop the foolish spending, we have to kill the cash cow that the government uses to fund its agenda of world’s babysitter while we suffer financially here at home. That cash cow is the federal income tax! The taxes that you pay from your paycheck fund two things: transfer payments (which give money from people who earn it to people who don’t) and paying the interest on the national debt. This interest is paid to the Federal Reserve, which is federal in name only. It is actually a group of private bankers, many of whom are foreign, who print fiat currency at the behest of the federal government, loan it to the government, and then charge interest on it. This money is not used to benefit the American citizens, yet we pay the interest on it!

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