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WBBA Minor League Tourney Continues



By Sun Advocate

A Helper runner gets caught racing for second base against Northern Heights. After winning two region tourney games, Helper will face Price National for the championship title.

Minor league baseball action continues to heat up as the Western Boys Baseball Association season draws to an end.
Throughout the week, four minor league teams have been competing for the region title. The action kicked off July 19 as Northern Heights defeated Green River 10-3.
Also competing that day was Helper and Price National. The game was conducted in Helper and the home team found success as they handed the Price team a 10-2 loss.
By losing their first round games, Price National and Green River were forced into the losers bracket for the second round where one of the teams would hit the end of the road and be eliminated from the regional tourney.
This game took place July 21 at the Price National Field. With home field advantage, the Price team took control of the ball game and eliminated Green River by the final 19-5.
Because Helper and Northern Heights each scored a win in the first round of the tourney, the two teams faced off Monday afternoon on the Price National Field. Helper was on fire and handed Northern Heights a 14-4 loss.
With one loss each, Northern Heights and Price National squared off on July 22. With the possibility of being eliminated from the region tourney, each team entered the game focused and confident.
The competition was intense and the Price National team managed to slide into the final round of region play by defeating Northern Heights, 19-11.
With one loss behind them, the Price National squad now has to defeat Helper twice in order to capture the region title.
Helper has cruised to the final round of competition with a perfect record. This means that one win will secure the region title for the team.
The final round of tourney action was scheduled to take place Wednesday evening at the Price National Field. If Helper loses to Price National, then a final game will take place in south Price Thursday night.

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