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Miss Emery County Scholarship Pageant

By Sun Advocate

Cadence Tuttle, first attendant, Meagan Rogers, Miss Emery 2003 and Tawni Bigelow, second attendant.

The Miss Emery Scholarship Pageant was held on Saturday in the Emery High Auditorium. Meagan Rogers was crowned Miss Emery 2003 with Cadence Tuttle as first attendant and Tawni Bigelow, second attendant. Dennis Worwood was the master of ceremonies for the evening. The welcome was given by Tyrell Jewkes, assistant Emery County Fair Director. The national anthem was presented by Aspen Bloomer who also performed a vocal solo and Cidnee Conder presented a jazz dance.
The Emery County Sweethearts presented a number, “This Land is Your Land” and the contestants were introduced. The contestants were Cadence Tuttle, Valee Jenkins, Megan Larsen, Tawni Bigelow, Candace Ungerman and Meagan Rogers. The first competition was the swimwear, lifestyle and fitness competition followed by the introduction of the judges. The sweethearts performed, “God Bless America” and “Fifty Nifty United States.” Sumiko Tadehara performed a viola solo. The talent competition was held where Larsen performed a lyrical dance, Bigelow, Rogers and Jenkins performed vocal solos and Ungerman and Tuttle performed piano solos.
Miss Utah, Stacy Johnson and her attendant Carly Tooke were on hand at the pageant and added their talent and helped Worwood and Miss Emery 2002 Janell Jones with emcee duties. Johnson performed a vocal solo and Tooke performed a dance for the audience. Johnson is preparing for the Miss America pageant in September in Atlantic City and Tooke is preparing for the Sweetheart Pageant held in Indiana the end of August.
The onstage interview was next with each contestant answering a question on their platform and a random question asked by Worwood. A special ballet presentation by Samantha Behling, Shannon Erickson and Stacey Jewkes entertained the crowd between competitions. Brandon Singleton presented a piano solo and a special mother/daughter duet was sung by Laurie and Shala Pitchforth and Joan and Barbara Burke.
The evening wear competition was held and Janell’s “Year in Pictures” was presented which detailed her year as Miss Emery. Randy Johnson from the Miss Utah board presented Jones with the Quality of Life runner-up award. Johnson then introduced Tyrell Wood who made a presentation of his own with a proposal of marriage to Jones. Jones accepted the proposal with a hug and kiss for Wood.
The evening concluded with the presentation of the Miss Emery 2003 royalty.

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