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Letter to the Editor: Groups seem to have common goals

By Sun Advocate

In your November 11, 2002 publication you printed a letter to the editor I submitted titled, “Come up with a plan in the swell.”
In that letter to the editor I stated the environmentalists would pick their time and place. They would select a plant, an insect, or a bug to build their case around. Now they have started their move and they will not stop until every acre is locked away under the Endangered Species Act. And that action will definitely and permanently close many roads in the San Rafael.
They have now located the Messentuchit Gila in 17 different locations on the western edge of the swell. Now the question is “How many thousands of acres are they going to request for each location?”
Steve Block of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance states “It is first and foremost about protecting Utah’s natural heritage; a heritage that is at risk because of off-road vehicles and oil and gas development.”
The last four words of Block’s comments causes me to wonder if the environmentalists are working in collusion with terrorist organizations determined to make the United States 100 percent dependent on foreign oil. Environmental groups have appealed virtually every oil and gas drilling lease that has been offered, regardless of locations. They locked away the Kaiparowits Plateau, our last largest , gas and coal deposit in Utah. In addition, they have never offered a place where they would allow drilling without appealing it.
When you evaluate the two groups, they both seem to hold the same feelings. They do not want the U.S. to be oil independent, they both hate self enterprise, industry using our natural resources, freedom of travel, being self independent. They seem to dislike virtually every thing we love a bout being a free American.
What both groups have in common is that they seem to hate us.

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