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Development plans bring up Carbonville road issue again



By Sun Advocate

The planning commission asked for a traffic study in the area where this corner exists. The roads in the area are of concern because of their size and their condition. Access to the area was also questioned at the meeting.

A stormy session about roads and access in Carbonville a few weeks ago has now spilled over into the planning and zoning process in the area.
On Tuesday evening, the Carbon County Planning and Zoning Commission took a look at plans by Vic Santi to develop 148 acres of property behind north and east of the Questar facility on 1100 North into residential lots.
“Before we get into this, I would like to see a traffic study in that area,” said County Commissioner Mike Milovich who is the county commission’s member on the planning and zoning panel.
Santi was requesting a zone change process be done toward development on the acreage which lies in a bowl, just below the cliffs in the area.
The present property is zoned as mining and grazing and he wants it changed to RR-1. He explained to the commission that he saw no problem with the development because the road that would lead out of the subdivision would be 66 feet wide.
“There would be plenty of room for access,” said Santi. “I see no problem with the traffic there.”
But a few board members, along with Milovich were concerned about the roads that the access would attach to.
“We at least need some traffic counts there,” said Bob Welch, the Helper representative on the planning commission.
Another point that was brought up was the availability of sewer for such a development. Commission members asked about the situation and Santi pointed out that the sewer was presently thousands of feet away from the proposed development.
“We’ll just use septic tank systems for the area,” he replied.
But other board members wondered about a subdivision that size and what the future would hold in that regard.
“With a development this large the Price River Water Improvement District might put a sewer line in that area later,” stated acting planning chair Lynna Topolovec.

The “bowl” at the bottom of the cliffs behind the Questar complex (at left) was the topic of discussion at the Carbon County Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday evening. A developer wants to use the area to build homes, but the commission is concerned about the traffic situation in the area.

“My concern is not only having a sewer for a development that large but who will pay for that after the fact. After attending a PRWID board meeting on other situations this could create, it could be every taxpayer in the county. I just don’t want to see every taxpayer get hit again and again. The people in the subdivision ought to pay for it.”
Based on some sewer projects that PRWID will be doing this summer and fall, the lines will get closer to the proposed development as they near 1100 north with one of those projects. However, the code says residents nor developers have to hook up to a sewer that is more than 300 feet away from the property.
The road issue also spanned into another problem; crossing the present irrigation canal in the area.
Dave Levanger, the counties planning and zoning director told the commission that a good bridge exists in the area. Santi also pointed out that the canal company had seemed to have no problem with the bridge at an earlier date when he talked with them.
“I just think they may have a different opinion on whether that bridge is adequate or not if a development of over 140 acres goes in there,” said Topolovec.
In the end, the commission tabled the matter and requested that Santi have a traffic study done by an engineer in the area to be sure the accesses and roads were adequate to handle the subdivision.
In other business the zoning commission reviewed and took the following actions.
•Approved a zone change from Watershed to Scofield Lake and Pleasant Valley zones on a piece of property that spans Highway 96 just north of Scofield for Keith and Debra Smith. This was a matter left from the last zoning meeting that concerned a sewer line that runs through the property and the possible hookups to it by the owners should they build on the plot of ground.
“If we build, we will hook up to that sewer,” said Debra Smith who attended the meeting.
The concern had been that the 20 plus acres spanned such an area that some parts of it may well be beyond the 300 foot state code for hooking up to sewer, but Smith assurances solved that problem.
•The commission also approved a zone change for some property between Spring Glen and Kenilworth for Mel and Nan Coonrod. The Coonrods own a 40 acre plot in the area but wanted just two five acre pieces of ground changed from mining and grazing to RR-5.
The discussion on this action centered around right of ways and access to the property, where the Coonrods and their son plan on building two homes, as well as questions about future plans for the rest of the property.
“I have no plans to develop any of the rest right now, but I can’t say what might happen in 20 or 50 years,” said Mel Coonrod. “I am not interested in acquiring neighbors, but if my son decided to sell for some reason, it needs to be set up so he can do that.”
•The commission also gave preliminary approval for Gardner Gates Estates subdivision, Phase I. The four lot development is located near Westwood.

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