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What about losing weight?

By Sun Advocate

Everybody wants to lose weight. No matter how big or how small they are, it seems that someone always has a few pounds they’d like to shed. But, with all the weight loss products and programs on the market today, how do consumers know what program to use?
When thinking about it, it’s pretty simple. Do the sensible one. Select the program that doesn’t sound too good to be true or makes promises it couldn’t possibly keep. There are no “magic pills” that melts fat away or causes the body to suddenly look like the person has been spending months in the gym working on their abs. Selecting the right weight loss program for each individual depends upon their ability and desire to commit to change and take responsibility for what they eat.
One cannot keep eating the way they currently eat and expect the body to look any different than it currently does. A change in the body requires a change in thinking as well as a change in eating. Only the dieter can be responsible for what they choose to put in their mouth. For the most part, the public is well aware of what foods are good for them and which ones go straight to the thighs!
In all fairness, Americans are more overweight than ever before because they have been victimized by media misinformation. Just a few short years ago, Americans were told to eat unlimited high volume, low fat foods like pastas, breads and cereals. Unfortunately, this campaign was funded, for the most part, by industries who manufacture those kinds of foods.
What Americans were not told however, was that extensive exercise would also be needed if they ate a high carbohydrate diet. Even fat-free bread will ultimately turn to fat on the body if the body is not active enough to burn up all the sugar (glucose) that carbs create. When considering it takes fifteen minutes of jogging to burn off one slice of bread, and that the majority of Americans do not exercise regularly, is it any wonder that Americans are all growing at alarming rates with diabetes now at an all-time high?
So what should be done? Here are some ideas.
•Don’t diet. Create an eating plan for oneself that fits into a lifestyle and can be maintained forever. Temporary change only provides for temporary results.
•Honestly evaluate eating habits and identify problem food areas like cravings for sweets or carbohydrates.
•Find alternatives to the problem foods that are both satisfying and healthy such as low-fat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream or fat free pretzels instead of chips.
•Eat high protein, low carbohydrate meals and drink lots of water daily.
•Get a buddy. Staying motivated is key to long-term weight loss success. If on a good weight loss program, a counselor can help direct eating habits while giving motivation to achieve the goal.
•Exercise whenever possible. There are a lot of safe and effective herbal products available to help boost an inactive metabolism and take the edge off any appetite. Be sure the product selected offers personal assistance and counseling.
Every person is different and so is their tolerance to herbs. Dieters will want to use products that can be customized to meet their unique physical and medical requirements.
The main thing is to not become discouraged. The weight did not come on overnight, and likewise, it will not come off overnight either. Patience is important. See every pound lost as a personal success because it is.
With a little perseverance and belief in ones own ability to achieve their weight goal, nothing can stop them from losing those unwanted pounds.

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