100- Giveaways [top]
FREE PAIR of geese. 637-3255. (1012f)
101- Lost & Found [top]
FOUND: 2 BROWN beefmaster cows. north Cleveland. Contact Martin Wilson, Emery County sheriff’s office, 381-2404. (101f2)
FOUND: MALE Australian shepherd, approx. 1 year. Gray and white. 637-6654. (9262f)
104- Personal [top]
“SMALL BUSINESSES” Place your classified ad in not 1, not 2, but 49 newspapers throughout Utah. One placement, one payment puts you into the “Utah Classified Advertising Network”. Reach over 500,000+ Utahns for only $125 for the first twenty five words and $3 for each additional word. Call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 for further information. (ucan). (1012f)
ABORTION? WHY? Consider adoption. Warm, secure, loving home available for newborn baby. Please call attorney at 1-800-606-4411. A-883. (ucan). (1012f)
ADOPTION: A wonderful life awaits your baby. Loving couple hoping to adopt to provide love, laughter, nurturing and more. Expenses paid. Sasha and Kevin, 1-866-319-8451.
FREE TESTING. Your IQ, your personality and aptitude determine your future.Know them. No obligations. Church of Scientology, 1931 South 1100 East, Salt Lake City. 1-801-485-9992
HAPPILY MARRIED couple wishes to adopt newborn into home filled with happiness, security and endless love. Medical/legal expenses paid. Please Call Irene and Charlie, 1-800-871-4229. (ucan). (1012f)
NEED AFFORDABLE healthcare? $59.87/month per family! No limitations. All pre-existing conditions O.K. Call United Family!! 1-800-543-1197 ext. 5760 ceo6620. (ucan). (1012f)
SUN ADVOCATE and Emery County Progress does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any product or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress hereby disclaims all liability for any damage suffered as the result of any advertisement in these newspapers. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress has the sole authority to edit and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress reserves the right to refuse any advertising. (1012f)
TAROT BY Hailey. Complete tarot readings by a qualified psychic !! I also specialize in -in depth horoscopes and charts. By appointment only, 435-637-3978. Call today! (9262p)
WANTED: BRAWLERS, boxers and fighters. $3,000 Added Nov. 30, 200. Coal Miners Brawl, 1-866-86-BRAWL ASAP. (1014p)
105- Special Notices [top]
UPS SERVICE is available at CJ’s Do it center. Open 7 days/wk. 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
112- Business Opportunity [top]
INVESTMENT ONLY, not a job. A complete turnkey vend route, 10 machines $3,495. Plus established Coke/Pepsi/Poland Spring, Frito-Lay route $9,995. 1-888-922-2822. AIN#02-004.
MAIL BOXES Etc. A UPS Co., Price, Utah franchise for sale. Contact Jim, 801-255-2821.
113- Help Wanted [top]
**ATTENTION** LADIES: Avon has great opportunities. Earn extra $$$, work own hours. 687-9758, 1-866-870-6172. Ind./sls./rep. (9316p)
A GREAT opportunity. Join J-Mar today! *Competitive pay. *Mileage incentives. *CDL with HazMat, 1 year experience. *90 percent no-touch freight, 23 years old. 1-888-216-5627
CARPENTER, FINISH needed for about one week. 613-7215. (1012p)
DRIVERS…SWIFT Transportation. Hiring drivers and owner operators. No experience, no problem! CDL training is available. We offer: excellent pay and benefits, tuition reimbursement, job stability. 1-888-490-8343 (eoe-m/f: minimum 23 years old). (ucan). (1012f)
EXP. CARPENTERS and exp. in all phases of residential const. Call 435-749-0600. (9194p)
GUIDES, CAMP cook, packers. Good wages, room & board plus tips. 970-243-1082. (1012p)
HELP WANTED: Experienced Laundry Presser. Hours M-F 4:00pm-7:00pm and Sat 9:00am-5:00pm. Call Lillian @ (435)637-9300 for appointment. (730tf)
MOMS, DO you need extra $$$ for Christmas? Work your own hours. For info., call 472-5886. (1014b)
NOW ACCEPTING applications for in-store loss prevention. Must have resume and open availability. Prior experience helpful but not necessary. Please contact Personnel for application at 637-6712 before October 4th. (9244p)
116- Daycare [top]
NANNY WANTED. Responsible individual with references. Must love children. Children are 4 & 8 years old. Send resume and references, Box 187, Huntington, UT 84528. (9244p)
121- Building and Construction [top]
ALL STEEL building, 40x44x15 was $10,782, now $6,599. 1-800-292-0111.Must sell. (9262p)
CABINETS, FROM complete design to installation. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
LARRY DAVIS Construction. General contractor. Licensed and insured. No job too small. Call 637-8302. (39tf)
METAL BUILDINGS- Commercial and residential; cement work; carports; additions. Call Larry Young Construction, 636-0135 or 820-8050 cell. (37tf)
WILLSON CONCRETE & Construction. General repairs, painting, sheetrock, roofing, backhoe/dump truck service, remodeling, concrete, sprinklers. Much more! Licensed/insured. Willson Concrete & Construction. Free estimates. 637-7687, cell 650-7687. (95tf)
122- Cleaning Services [top]
ALWAYS CALL a professional, the original Spic & Span. Walls, ceilings and windows. For free estimates call Trudy Axelsen, 637-4558. (78tf)
123- Handyman [top]
CLEAN & HANDY handyman service. Specializing in drywall, painting. All home repairs. 472-8404.
125- Miscellaneous Services [top]
AUTOCAD DRAFTING services. Will do any type of drafting. 7 years experience. References available. Call Nicole, 435-613-0950. (9248p)
CARPET REPAIRS, re stretches, relay, flood damage. 637-9464, home 613-3444. (1014b)
HARDWOOD FLOORS, installation, repair and refinishing. Call Tim for free estimates, 888-2364. (626tf)
PIANO TUNING, repair, regulating. Member piano technicians guild. Over 30 years experience. Jon: 650-1031 cell, 637-8152 home. (926tf)
126- Painting [top]
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR painting. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount. No job too small. 637-2954. (1028tf)
131- Apartments for Rent [top]
$260/MONTH. FERRON TWO bedroom. Air conditioning, gas heat, all appliances plus dishwasher, washer/dryer hookups. Cable ready. Storage available. Paved parking. Garbage dumpster. 384-2220. (1018b)
1-3 WORKERS HOUSING Motel, maid, HBO, ESPN, refrigerator, phone, microwave. Helper/Wellington. $19/daily. 637-7706. (92616p)
2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apt. in Orangeville. Big yard. No smoking nor indoor pets. $400 monthly, includes satellite TV. Call Holly 748-5709 or 749-1853. (1012p)
2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED NE Price, dishwasher, large bedrooms, washing facilities, reasonable rates. Call Bridge Realty 637-0846 or 637-7900. (912tf)
2 BEDROOMS, SECTION 8 available. $25 for helping us. Fenced yards, laundry area new refrigerator, stove, tile carpet, paint drapes. Ferron, Orangeville, Castle Dale. Pets okay. $350/month. (435)653-2421. (515tf)
2&3 BEDROOM UNITS available in Ferron and Castle Dale. Call 653-2421. (52tf)
3 BEDROOM HUNTINGTON. Clean, large 3 bedroom. Fireplace, W/D hookups, dishwasher, garbage disposal, covered parking. $325. No drugs/pets. 435-896-0854, 687-9157. (518tf)
ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. $225/month. Two bedroom Orangeville apartments. Call Mike Metzger, Bridge Realty, 637-7900. (104tf)
AVAILABLE AGAIN. 2 bedroom across from elementary school. Washer/dryer hookups, air cond. No smoking/pets. 565 N. 200 East. 381-2361. (9244f)
CASTLE DALE three bedroom, furnished/unfurnished. Refrigerator, stove, W/D hookups. No pets. 687-9261. (718tf)
CLEAN 2 BEDROOM basement apartment near college. $425/mo., heat and hot water included. No smoking. 637-4331. (81tf)
FERRON 2 BEDROOM apts. Gas heat, water heaters. Storage, fenced yard, new paint. No pets. $300/month. (435)384-2865. (321tf)
HUNTINGTON TWO bedroom, funished/unfurnished apartment. Refrigerator, stove, carport. No pets. 687-9261. (57tf)
IN ELMO one bedroom. Water and heat included. No smoking nor pets. 435-653-2680. (9246p)
LARGE ONE bedroom apt. w/W/D hookups $350+ deposit. No pets. Heat furnished. 637-6971 or 637-2193. (9245p)
NICE UPSTAIRS one bedroom apartment in Helper. Call 472-5047 or 472-1300. (9194p)
ONE AND two bedroom apartments for rent. No pets. 637-2115. (925tf)
ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent. $250 plus lights, $250 cleaning deposit. 637-3503. (9244b)
ONE BEDROOM, fully furnished. Utilities included. 637-2830. (1012p)
THREE BEDROOM townhouses in Orangeville. Includes dishwasher, air conditioning, washer/dryer hookups. No pets. $420/month. 748-2142. (615tf)
TWO BEDROOM apartment in choice N.E. Price neighborhood. Includes heat and hot water for savings on your utilities. No pets. Call 637-4050 days, 637-3770 nights/weekends. (57tf)
VERY CLEAN large and small kitchenettes, ideal for out-of- town workers. 637-0950. (tf)
132- Houses for Rent [top]
3 BED, 1-1/2 BATH home for rent near Creekview Elem. Carport, large back yard and storage shed. $550/.month. Housing accepted from responsible tenant. 637-3123. (9194p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH modular. Animal rights/horse space available. Located just outside of Price on 1 acre. 637-6380. (1012b)
4 BEDROOM house for rent in Price. Housing approved. Mon.-Thurs. 801-768-8592, Fri.-Sun. 435-888-2213. (9244p)
BEAUTIFUL HOME for rent. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. No smoking nor pets. $900/month. 520 S. 100 West., Price. 637-8576. (1012p)
DARLING 2 BR home, new appliances, newly remodeled, close to town $550/month plus deposit. No pets nor smoking. Call Lillian 637-9300. Ready to move in. (924tf)
FOR LEASE: 2 bedroom, 1 bath, nice deck. One block from college. Unfinished basement for storage. $450 month + deposit. Call 637-2054. (1012p)
FOR RENT: One bedroom in Helper $300. Three bedroom in Price. Call Irene at United Country Nagel Realty, 636-8881. (9264b)
LARGE OLD 3-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, fireplace. 285 N. Carbon Ave. 613-7215. (1014p)
NO PETS. 2 bedroom house in Helper. Housing approved. 472-0255. (9244b)
RENT/BUY. $300/$17,500. Owner will carry. East Carbon 3 bedroom. 888-2473. (9198p)
RENT/SALE: 1 or 2 bedroom house in Helper. Nice, quiet neighborhood. Info., 472-8344. (1014p)
SPACIOUS 1150 SQ. ft. 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath 2 plex. Nice residential location in Huntington. Washer/dryer connect. Newly refurbished. No pets/smoking. 435-381-5139. (1016p)
THREE BEDROOM mobile home for rent in Spring Glen. Call 472-3612. (1012b)
TWO BEDROOM home in Price. W/D hookups. $400/mo.+ dep. Pets okay. $425/month. 801-360-6311. (1014p)
TWO BEDROOM w/basement, on private lot, outside of Cleveland. $450. 653-2611 after 3 p.m. (9262p)
134- Mobile Homes for Rent [top]
2 BEDROOM MOBILE home $300/month, includes lot, garbage and sewer. 637-7469. (912tf)
2 BEDROOM, CLEAN pvt. yard $325; 3 bdrm. $375. 1-888-760-2100. Work w/deposit. (917tf)
3&4 BEDROOM MOBILE homes for rent. Housing approved. 637-2549. (713tf)
NEWER 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, W/D hookups, dishwasher, disposal. Call 637-0984 or 650-3737. (9244p)
SINGLE WIDE 3 BEDROOM. Storage shed, fenced yard, private lot, Huntington. Call 381-5235. (1014p)
135- Mobile Home Spaces [top]
BLUE CUT RV Park located between Price and Helper. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. 472-3646 or 637-0188. (1025tf)
HUNTINGTON MOBILE Estates. Spaces available. Laundry facilities, security yard. Call 687-9106. (129tf)
SPACES AVAILABLE for your mobile home. Central Park 613-9212. (328tf)
136- Office Space [top]
OFFICE SPACE for lease. Utilities, heat, janitorial, air conditioning included. Phone 637-2945. (tf)
138- Rooms for Rent [top]
NEWLY REMODELED rooms for rent in Helper. Daily, weekly, motnthly. 472-3590, 472-3470. (1011p)
OFF CAMPUS rooms for rent. Share a room and save. 1-1/2 block from college. Make reservations early. Information call 637-3400. (101tf)
139- Commercial Rentals [top]
COMMERCIAL BUILDING for rent, 1,800 sq. ft. 190 S. 2nd East, Price. $525/month. Call Jim, 637-9005. (716tf)
COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS with security fenced yard. Helper. Call Dave, 650-2443. (924tf)
OFFICE SPACE for rent. Call 637-5611 or 637-6441. (712tf)
143- Houses for Sale [top]
3 BEDROOM HOME in Riverside in Wellington. Financing available. 637-2549. (320tf)
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH house in north Price. 637-1689. $79,500. (9244p)
ATTENTION ALL manufactured home owners, we have buyers. Call Greg at 1-801-569-0747. (ucan). (1012f)
BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED and secluded on 30 acres just 15 minutes from Price. 2,500 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath lodge style home with hardwood floors, knotty pine interior. Wrap around deck, large dog run, fish pond, sheds. Call 653-2323. (9244p)
EXCELLENT CONDITION 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Fully basement, large fenced backyard, automatic sprinkling system, 2 car garage, near high school. $85,000. 320 Madison Ave. For information call 637-4141. (1018p)
FERRON: BY owner. 1,921 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 1 bath. All new appliances, doors, cupboards, countertop, floor coverings, paint and trim. Sprinkler system, fenced back yard. Asking $86,000. 384-2308. (9108p)
HUGE PRICE reduction on this beautifully landscaped 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 family rooms, 2 car garage, brick and stucco rambler with walk out basement. Call Mike @ Bridge Realty, 820-6469 or (64tf)
LOCAL AND rural housing. 0 down, FHA loans, interest as low as 4.5 percent. Call for appointment 1-877-249-3750. Se habla espanol. (ucan). (1012f)
MAKE OFFER- 338 Berkley Ave., East Carbon 3 bedroom home. Alum. siding, tile roof. 637-4177. (919tf)
OWNER FINANCE, credit not a factor. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Take over payments. Down payment negotiable. Call Jeff at 1-801-688-9681.
OWNER WILL carry. Four bedroom, 1-1/2 bath. New cabinets, full finished basement. $58,000-$68,000 appraised value. Special $39,900. $3,000 down $465 monthly, payments includes tax and insurance. Sunnyside, Utah. Local 435-888-6804, Salt Lake cell 801-554-5260. (912tf)
OWNERS NEED to sell. Reduced again, only $49,900 for 3 bedroom home in Price. Great starter home or investment property. Call Nancy Mills, agent Century 21, Castleland Realty 637-4744, 650-1084. (822tf)
TWO BEDROOM cottage-style house. New gas furnace. On Main Street in Kenilworth. 472-3825. (924tf)
144- Lots and Acreages [top]
11.8 ACRES IN Cleveland. $12,000. Water available. 435-353-4130 or 801-292-8088. (9194p)
15.42 ACRES IN Cleveland, only $23,000. Water available separately. Call Nancy Mills, Century 21 Castleland Realty, 637-4744. #3306. (430tf)
BUILDING LOTS available. 637-2221. (227tf)
BUILDING SITE. Over 40 acres in Spring Glen. Water shares available., Mike at Bridge Realty, 820-6469. (719tf)
CARBONVILLE, NEW ballpark subdivision, 0.67-1.25 acre lots. 1500 W. 2250 N. Jeff at 637-7295 or 801-573-4688. (611tf)
GREAT 1 ACRE building lots in Circle K Sub. Call Nancy Mills, Century 21, 637-4744 or 637-5471.
JUST REDUCED! Great building lots not far from town. Ranging from 2.5- 4.5 acres. All utilities including natural gas and animal rights. Starting at $20,000. Call Nancy Mills, Century 21 Castleland, 637-4744 or 637-5471. (810tf)
LOT IN the “Coves”, Price, 1131 N. 200 East. .51 acre. 637-2737. (910tf)
NEWER SUBDIVISION. Two lots left. Great for modulars. All utilities and animal rights. Under $20,000. Additional 223 acres of farm ground. Water available. Call Nancy Mills, Century 21 Castleland, 637-4744 or 637-5471. (810tf)
PRICE REDUCED. Lots: Scofield Reservoir Madsen Bay. Year-round sporting recreation near shoreline. 801-368-3775. 8624p)
SOUTHERN COLORADO ranch pre development sale 30 acres- $39,900. Don’t miss the opportunity to own part of Colorado at unbelievable prices! Rolling fields with fantastic Rocky Mountain views. County road with utilities, owner financing. Call Red Creek Ranch today toll-free 1-866-696-5263. (ucan).
145- Mobile Homes [top]
’81 NASH 14X70. Excellent condition. Miller Creek. Sell or rent. 653-2694 after 6p.m. (9264p)
MUST SELL 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Oak kitchen, new carpet, new furnace, storage shed, awning, large fenced yard. Must see. #97 Indian Hills. $8,000/best offer. Call 637-7599/leave message. (1014p)
147- Real Estate Wanted [top]
WANTED: BUY/trade property/house northeast Utah. Fixer-upper OK. Can trade Georgia houses. 706-553-5305. (958p)
WE BUY or lease houses in Price-Helper area. Make your payments. Close quickly. 472-3042. (126tf)
149- Water Shares [top]
PRWUA AND SPRING Glen Canal shares. Call for details, 970-209-2470, (716tf)
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR and Spring glen water shares for sale. 637-0159. (926tf)
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR water shares for sale. Contact Nancy, Agent, Century 21 Castleland for info., 637-4744 or 637-5471. (54tf)
WANTED: SCOFIELD res. water shares. Submit proposals to P.O. Box 700, Price, UT 84501. Large or small quantity. (610tf)
155- Hay and Grain [top]
FEED OATS for sale. $12 per 100 lbs. Nine ton available. 381-2339 or 381-2195. (1014p)
HAY FOR sale. 637-1350 or 650-3069. (919tf)
164- Livestock [top]
1002 BALE WAGON 2 horse trailer. Older bay horse. For more info., call 435-653-2496. (9194p)
3 YEAR old Ram for sale. 636-0634.
20 YEAR OLD Bay mare. Good horse. Just needs a rider. $500/OBO. 637-9348. (9264p)
HERRFORD BRAND roping saddle by Tex Tan. Saddle has 16″ padded seat rawride cover, cantle and pommel like new. $650. Call after 5 p.m., 435-637-5537. (1012p)
HORSES: BUY, sell or trade. All kinds. Call 653-2327.
UNREGISTERED APHA bay gelding, Leo, Three bars. 6 yrs. Sound. $800. 636-0772. (1012p)
WOMENS SADDLE, special pipe saddle stand, 2 pads, 1 blanket. Everything goes. $500 firm. 613-0935. (9264p)
166- Pets [top]
ADORABLE WHITE AKC miniature Schnauzer, 5 months old. Make offer. 613-7215. (9244p)
PUREBRED BORDER Collie pups for sale. 637-8143. (1014p)
171- Fuel and Wood [top]
FIREWOOD FOR sale. 1800 W. Ridge Road. Open Sat., 9a.m.-12 & 1-4 p.m. weekdays. Call for appointment, 637-0668. Deliveries available. Starting price $30 a pickup load. (910tf)
172- Furniture [top]
9 DRAWER DRESSER. Solid wood. Thomasville. Very nice. $99. 636-8128. (9244f)
174- Yard Sale/Garage Sale [top]
SATURDAY, 10-02. 285 N. Carbon Ave. Silver, saddle bags, Buell helmet, golf clubs, Bud mugs, band saw, skill saw, chop saw, drill press, couches, love seat, two dressers, exercise desk, computer, printers, pistols, bow, banjo, guitar, treadmill, clothing, yard swing, 3 coffee tables, two microwaves, self help books, kitchen stuff.
176- Household Appliances [top]
RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES for as low as $25/month, warranty. Square Deal 472-0113, 275 N. Main, Helper. Tues-Fri. 12-6 p.m., Sat. 10a.m. to 4p.m. No credit, no problem.
177- Miscellaneous for Sale [top]
**HOT TUB/SPA** Self contained. All options, with cover. New, never used, still in original wrapper. Cost $6,900 sacrifice $2,600. Can deliver. 1-801-381-3552. (ucan). (1012f)
1976 GMC 1/2 TON truck $500; Armstrong clarinet, excellent condition, $350 new $200/OBO. 637-5241. (919tf)
1982 DODGE RAM 150 $1,000/OBO; 2000 GT Freestyle bike, hardly used $250. 637-6990. (9244p)
ANTIQUES- CHINA buffet, secretary, 3 Coca Cola chairs and marble table, and many more. 472-3100. (9245)
BUNK BEDS for sale. Good condition. $160. Electric mower, good condition. $50. 637-0437. (9262p)
COLLECTOR’S DELIGHT. X-lg. 12 room miniature doll house kit, 1/2 completed. Hall all parts to complete bridling. $1,000/OBO. 613-0934. (9264p)
FREE DIRECTV system including installation! 4 months free programming. $300 value! Access 225 plus channels. Digital-quality picture/sound. Packages from $31.99/month. Offer expires October 12. Call now 1-800-311-9053. (ucan). 1012f)
LIKE NEW 75,000 Btu Rheem gas furnace. 92.9 efficiency. Call 637-5763. (9246p)
THE GREENWELL Inn is replacing all of our room heater/AC. On all remaining units, only $50, while supplies last. 637-3520. (716tf)
TRENDWEST WORKMARK membership. 6,000 credits with 12,000 banked. Premier membership. Travel Fiji, Hawaii, Mexico, Vegas, Oregon Coast, Whistler BC, and more. 1-877-478-7938. (ucan). (1012f)
TWO DEMO hot tubs, ’85 Blazer; paraglider; /89 Mustang; wood burning stove; 27″ console TV; table saw; band saw, lathe; production milling machine; various medical equipment; ’85 Yamaha on/off road bike, scuba equipment, men/womens; baby items; saxophone. 687-5596. (9244p)
USED THETFORD RV toilet. Like new condition. $50. 637-0470. (1014f)
178- Misc. Wanted to Buy [top]
PRIVATE COLLECTOR will buy old marbles, old glassware and old jewelry. Call 637-3234.
USED BRICK wanted. Will pick up. 637-8069. (9108p)
WANTED: USED DSS satellite receivers/systems. Will pay up to $60. 637-9361. (9266p)
179- Musical Instruments [top]
ALTO SAX for sale, good condition. $550/OBO. Call 637-0464. (95tf)
180- Pianos and Organs [top]
USED WURLITZER spinet piano. Good condition. $500 firm. 381-2014. (1014p)
182- Sporting Goods [top]
**4.8 POOL TABLE. Gorgeous professional series, solid wood, carved legs, 1″ slate. New, still boxed. Cost $3,995 sell $1,875. Call deliver 1-801-381-3552. (ucan) (1012f)
REM 270 $375, Weatherby 30.06 $400, Savage 7mm $300, Ruger stainless ranch mini 14 $550. 637-3027, 637-7500. (1014p)
THOMPSON CENTER 54 cal. black powder with 45 cal barrel. 637-6630. (9194p)
189- Fireplaces and Stoves [top]
VENT-FREE fireplaces. 99.9% efficient. Starting at $399. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. 636-8100. (125tf)
191- Auto Parts and Service [top]
MUFFLER REPAIR, single and dual exhaust. Center Service and Repair, 472-3755.
192- Autos, New and Used [top]
’72 FORD TRUCK. Fully restored, new tires/rims, tool box. Custom interior/stereo (6x9s, 10s) /CB. 360 engine, 4 speed, only 13,000 miles. Asking $5,000/OBO. 1-435-752-5615, leave message. (ucan). (1012f)
’87 HONDA CRX SI 2-door, sunroof, CD layer, new clutch, 5-speed. Dana (435)613-0406. (9176p)
’97 WHITE PONTIAC Grand Prix GT, 4-dr., V6 3.8L supercharged, automatic, A/C, power, cruise, spoiler, custom tinted windows, good tires. $8,800. 637-4177. (919tf)
’98 BUICK LESABRE custom sedan 4-door. auto., air, maroon. Nice car! $9,000. 653-2600. (57tf)
1984 PONTIAC FIERO. All original collector. Runs great. $2,800/OBO. 637-8565. (1014b)
1993 FORD ESCORT (2 door hatchback), air, CD player, sunroof. Great condition. $2,200/OBO. 472-8478. (101b)
1994 WHITE CHRYSLER New Yorker. Gray leather interior, power seats/windows. Excellent condition in and out. $5,500/OBO. 637-9058, if no answer, leave message. (829tf)
1995 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Supreme SL. $1,200/OBO. Evenings, (435)613-3319. (9196p)
1997 NISSAN 200SX 2-door, 4-cylinder. 637-0051 after 3 p.m., ask for Ruby. (9126p)
1999 MERCURY COUGAR, black 2-door Coupe. V-6 engine, CD, sun roof, rear spoiler, new Z-Rated tires, air conditioning. Excellent condition. Low mileage. Must see to appreciate. Call 1-801-209-6139 or 1-455-650-4162. (1014p)
FOR SALE: 1986 Olds Cutlass Ciera, runs good $650/OBO; 1990 Lincoln Town Car, good car pool car $2,500/OBO. 637-7068. (9264p)
NEED A CAR or truck? Can’t get financing? If you have a down payment A steady job. I can help you. Call now for details and get pre approved. Roger 801-374-1474 DLR. (93tf)
195- Motor Homes [top]
’74 DODGE SPORTSMEN motor home. Needs a little work. $1,800. 613-7215. (1014p)
’85 CLASS C 27 FT. Ford 460 engine with all amenities. Priced right for your Arizona winter. 637-0659. (9244b)
’87 ALLEGRO RV for sale, 31′ with 2 ft. basement. Low mileage (21,608), $17,000/OBO. Call 637-7850. (9266p)
1974 CONCORDE CHAMPION. Sleeps 4. Real good condition. Self-contained. 472-0255. (9244b)
1986 ALLEGRO 26′. Roof air, awning, 4K Onan generator. $12,500. 637-8743 or 637-0135. (9248p)
1988 LEISURE CRAFT 28 ft. Class C motor home. New Ford 460 engine (only 11 miles), total mileage 31,505. Self-contained, full bath, many extras. Excellent condition. 637-3159. (917tf)
RESPONSIBLE SENIOR would like to rent small motor home or small travel trailer for 2-3 months. 637-2310. (1014b)
196- Campers and Trailers [top]
’98 TAHOE LITE 19′ trailer, sleeps 4+. Self-contained. Ex. condition. $5,900. 637-5012. (9194p)
1976 19′ LAYTON TRAILER, self-contained, w/A/C. Great for deer hunting. Only $1,100/OBO. 472-3559. (9264p)
1990 29 FT. WILDERNESS, front kitchen, A/C, solar large refrigerator. More! 637-3027, 637-7500. (1012p)
1995 MALLARD TRAILER. Sleeps 8. Microwave, air cond., turned axles. 28 ft. Asking $4,900. 637-8001/leave message. (1014p)
25′ LAYTON SKYLINE Limited. Very nice. $7,500. Extras. 888-2159. (9194p)
29′ TRAVEL VILLA fifth wheel, ’86 model. Queen bed, all aluminum construction. 177 So. 100 East. Phone 637-4182. (9194p)
9-1/2 FT. CAMPER. Self-contained. Good shape. $800. 888-2462. (9266p)
197- 4 Wheel Drive [top]
’94 FORD EXPLORER Sport V-6 A.T. Loaded. Exc. cond. Must see only $3,995. Roger 801-374-1474 DLR. (93tf)
’97 JEEP GR. Cherokee Laredo V-8 Loaded Exc. Cond. Now only $8,995. Roger 801-374-1474 DLR. (93tf)
’99 FORD F-350 CREW Cab 4X4 V-8 AT Need a work truck? $17,995. Roger 801-374-1474 DLR. (93tf)
1985 S-15 GMC JIMMY. 637-2936. (9244p)
1987 CHEV S10 PICKUP for sale for parts. Motor bad. $1,000. 472-3595. (9262p)
1990 CHEVY Z71 4X4 HD, 4-speed. New tires. A/C. Needs paint. Runs good. 637-2644/evenings. (9268p)
1994 SUBURBAN. EXCELLENT condition. 98,000+ miles. Good tires. Great stereo. $9,500. Call Bill Knott 637-5064(H), 637-5776(W). (9264b)
1996 DODGE DAKOTA Ext. Cab. Rebuilt engine V6, 4X4. $6,000/OBO. 472-0242, 650-1648. (1014p)
1997 DODGE RAM 4X4, V8. Power everything. Leaving for mission, must sell. $11,500/OBO. Includes 4 extra stock rims. 1967 fiberglass motor boat and trailer. Must sell $600/OBO. Runs good. 472-3306/650-1285. (9244p)
2000 DODGE DAKOTA Sport 4X4, V8 4.7L, bed liner. Club Cab. $19,000. 384-2566 (91010p)
FOR SALE: 1987 Toyota truck 4X4. Good condition. $3,000/OBO. 381-2252 or 748-5525. (9264p)
GREAT FOR hunting, ’82 Chev 1/2 ton 4WD. Rebuilt. W/shell. Call after 5p.m., 637-9147. (9268p)
198- Motorcycles [top]
1982 YAMAHA 750 VIRAGO- new, 1269 actual miles. Reduced! $1,950. 637-2244. (827tf)
1997 HONDA CR125. Excellent condition. New tires, top end clutch, plastic graphics $1800. 748-2430-home, 384-2430-work. (9108p)
200- Trucks and Vans [top]
1987 FORD F350 30 ft. bucket truck with tool boxes. 472-0255. (9244b)
ONE TON stake bed, 16 ft., 3.9 diesel Isuzu NPR. 637-9464. Only $4,695. (1014b)
203- ATVs [top]
2000 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 500. Includes winch. $5,200. Call 637-4351. (9244p)
2001 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 500 HO. 400 miles. 637-7703. (9244p)
HONDA 450 FOREMAN 2000. Like new. Low miles, low hours. Includes extras. $5,000/OBO. Call after 5 p.m. 472-3282. (9262p)