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Carbon loses to Grantsville, plays Morgan on Friday


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By Kevin Ashby
Sun Advocate Publisher

The Dino defense had a lot to handle on Friday, homecoming night, as Carbon High School hosted Grantsville in game that ended in a lopsided loss (41-6). But the Dino defensive squad played hard and drew the most cheers as it pulled down Grantsville rushers and stopped red-and-white drives throughout the night. 
The game started out with Grantsville returning the kickoff up the sideline for a touchdown. The large homecoming crowd yelled for a Dino offensive response through the first half but was disappointed as the Carbon struggled to maintain a drive down the field. Quarterback Noah Jones, a junior, and Dino receivers failed several times to connect on pass plays that would have kept Carbon drives going.
Repeated miscues on offense plus four intercepted passes led to plenty of scoring opportunities for Grantsville and lots of time on the field for Dino defenders. They were up against a talented offensive machine that executed plays and gained first downs. 
The Dinos were still in reach of victory through most of the first half but gave up two touchdowns in the final minute of the first half. The score at the end of the half was  (27-0)
In the third quarter, Carbon was still outmatched by Grantsville, and the Dinos remained scoreless.
  During the 2nd half, Dino quarterback Jerett Atwood, a sophomore, took the reins and brought some spark to the Carbon offense. Running back Nate Olsen ran for a 35 yard rush and scored Carbon’s only touchdown of the night. But the night was Grantsville’s, ending 41-6 final score.
Up next for the Dinos will be Morgan in Morgan on Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Morgan is in 4th place in the 3A standings with a record of 5-2. Morgan is coming off a win against Emery last week 47-27 playing some strong offense and defense.

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