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Letter to the Editor: County issues

By Sun Advocate

There are a number of issues which I am concerned about in Carbon County.
First, we must protect and keep every gallon of water that is in our present watershed to promote growth in both population and industry in our county. While the population on the other side of the mountain continues to grow, we cannot give up our water to supply that growth. It needs to remain here.
Secondly, I am for keeping the county courthouse exactly where it is. I agree with Ellis Pierce’s statement, that moving the courthouse would hurt Price’s Main Street.
Third, I believe that UDOT should look at putting a traffic light at the intersection of Carbon Avenue and 400 South. The traffic at this point is very heavy and will only continue to increase each year. It is a very dangerous intersection and something needs to be done.
Finally, I think Carbon County will have a great economic year in 2007. We should have a great tourist season and with more gas drilling, and hopefully the opening of the Lila Canyon mine, things should be very good.

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