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Lady Dinos take it to Emery



By Sun Advocate

People can talk about rivalries all they want. They can talk about Michigan-Ohio State or Oklahoma-Texas. They can talk about UCLA-Southern Cal or BYU-Utah.
But nothing takes the place of a down home, living close to each other rivalry like the Carbon-Emery games provide.
And while there are literally thousands of high school rivalries in this country, the one here in Castle Valley takes a back seat to none of them. And it doesn’t matter the sport or if it is girls or boys, it is still heated and tough.
On Tuesday night that rivalry was relit once again as the Lady Dinos took on the girls from Emery at the Spartan Center and disassembled their offense on the way to a 73-46 victory.
In the first period the teams went almost basket for basket. As usual the two oldest Warburton sisters were prime movers in the offense as well as the defense, but Emery was able to control the explosiveness the Lady Dino team has shown so often this season.
However the second period was different as the Carbon defense began to work it’s magic and the ballgame slipped away from the Castle Dale squad. Carbon only increased it’s scoring by three in the quarter from the first period, but they shut down most of Emery’s scoring opportunities holding the Lady Spartans to only 10 points in the period.
But it was after the half when the Lady Dinos went nuts. Their defense kept the Lady Spartans at pre-half levels of scoring while they started to shoot the lights out of the place.
In the third period the Lady Dinos scored 19 points and then increased that output to 21 in the fourth period behind some great outside shooting and tough inside play. The three sisters, Chelsey, Cassie and Morgan Warburton rained down three pointers on the Lady Spartans putting in a total of six. It was a good showing for Carbon and another notch on their way to the state playoffs that begin in February.
Emery was only able to manage 21 points the same as Carbon’s fourth quarter output.
The Spartans were led by Jennifer Nielsen’s 18 points, while Cheryl Grant scored 14.
The Lady Dinos had two high scorers in Chelsey Warburton who put through 19 and Cassie put in 16. But the rest of the starters all contributed a great deal too.
With that Carbon moves to a 2-0 record in Region 8 and a 12-2 overall record.
Emery has lost both it’s region contests and have a 5-8 record.
Carbon will now face North Sanpete on Thursday night at 7 p.m. in the Dinogym.

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