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What’s on your summer reading list?



By Nathaniel Woodward

It’s summertime, and while that doesn’t really mean anything for a grown adult with a job, besides unbearably hot weather and swarms of bothersome tourists crowding your wilderness retreats. I have always put together a book list that I will tackle over the next few months.
I read not just to gain information, I do it recreationally as well, I enjoy a good story that is well told and I figured I share my summer book list with you all and perhaps it will give you some suggestions of what to read if you do the same. Most of my list this year are repeats, but I figured if enough time has past between readings it should count as a new book.
The first book on my list one I read as a teenager and remember enjoying thoroughly, “The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.” It’s just he right amount of absurdity and whimsy mixed with some thought-provoking philosophy and awe-inspiring imagery.
I’m a big fan of movies, especially cheesy super-hero movies like those in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so I figured I’d find a book that could coincide with that fandom but also broaden my horizons a little while I was at it. I found a well-review book called “Norse Mythology” by Neil Gaiman, I figured I’d learn about the legends about Thor, Loki, and Odin that inspired the comic-book heroes they spawned.
I read more biographies than just about anything else. I devour anything written by Neil Gabler, Ron Chernow or Walter Isaacson, but recently I’ve fallen on the celebrity self-written biography bandwagon.
I’ve already read this one but it was so good I decided it warranted a second reading this summer, that is “A Life in Parts” by Bryan Cranston. What made this book so compelling the first time I read it was it’s rawness, which was brutally so at points. Cranston’s, known for playing Walter White on Breaking Bad and Hal on Malcolm in the Middle among other major roles.
The last book I have on my list “The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory” by Dr. Brian Greene.
One of my favorite books that I’ve every read (many, many times) is Stephen Hawkings’ “A Brief History of Time,” which I’m sure is flying off the shelves once again now that we have lost this incredible man. But, Brian Greene’s take on Quantum Physics is a little more of a technical read but still understandable by the lay-person with the patience to tackle a book and such a confusing and startling subject.
What’s on your reading list for the summer? Leave me comments online or on Facebook and I’ll add them to my own.
Happy reading!

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