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Price City Council meeting summary

    Price City Council last week approved a $500 donation to the Carbon High School Rodeo Club.
    Councilwoman Terry Willis said the amount is a budgeted item that the city council regularly donates to the effort. A motion to approve the donation passed unanimously.
    Kolton Rhodes, president of the Carbon High School Rodeo Club, thanked the council. He said there will be approximately 450 contestants at the rodeo.
In other business, the city council:
    • Approved a revised city council meeting schedule. Regular meetings will be held the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. There will not be a meeting the fourth Wednesday in December. A work meeting will be held the first Friday of each month at 10 a.m., except in August when the meeting will be on the 8th and September when the meeting will be on the 12th.
    • Approved The Library CLEF Grant application. CLEF stands for Community Library Enhancement Fund. The grant application is being made to the State of Utah, Department of Heritage and Arts. The application is for $6,700.
    • Approved a special use permit for beer sales to Notre Dame for the annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration to be held March 17 at the Notre Dame Hope Center at 185 North Carbon Avenue.
    • Approved contracts to three companies for road improvements. Contracts will go to Cape Seal, Intermountain Slurry Seal, and Straight Stripe Painting. Several projects will be accomplished in the city this year. Funding comes from State Class C Road Funds and Highway Transit Tax. The project is a budgeted item.
    • Five business licenses were approved for: Hershey Chiropractic at 790 North Cedar Hills, Eating to Heal at 410 West 100 North, P&L Electrical Services at 645 West 200 North, Jetman Digicade at 20 East Main, and Jade Springs at 894 East 100 North.
    • Several travel requests were approved for city employees.

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