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BLM slates Nine-Mile presentation

    Nine-Mile Canyon is world-renowned for its archaeological assets, yet still home to many mysteries.
    Last autumn the Bureau of Land Management provided a rare opportunity to excavate a Fremont pit structure. Over 70 students, leaders, and community members worked with professional archaeologists over the course of six weekends during the fall of 2017. This winter, student volunteers continue to assist with the documentation of artifacts.
    The BLM will share the information learned from that experience. The public is invited to a presentation on Feb. 24, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the USU Prehistoric Museum in Price. The event is free. Light refreshments will be served. Everyone with an interest in the Canyon or archaeology is encouraged to attend.
Event schedule
    4 p.m.: Reception (light refreshments, chance to browse museum displays)
    4:30 p.m.: Presentations begin. Speakers include:
Christine Vogt – Welcome/Introduction with Ellis Powelson, Amber Koski and Nicole Lohman – BLM background and project history
    Jerry Spangler – History of archaeology in Nine Mile Canyon
    Jody Patterson – Results from our fall excavation
    Tim Riley – Museum and curation of artifacts
    Dallen Timothy – Community engagement in archaeology

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