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Clara Marie Tomlinison Martin


Clara Marie Tomlinison Martin

Clara Marie Tomlinison Martin, born Jan. 28, 1919 and died Jan. 22, 2018.
    She broke the rules back then. She drove a car, smoked cigarettes, drank alcohol, and went dancing. She hated housework but loved her jobs out side of the home, which meant dad wasn’t man enough to support us. She even (oh horrors) wore slacks and even (blush) dared to wear shorts. She got permanents and played baseball. She laughed and cried and told jokes. She was not a good cook. She loved pretty clothes. She was born in the tiny town of Elgin, Utah and went after the bright lights and sophistication of the great and wonderful Salt Lake City.  She loved the bright lights and night clubs.
    Dad adored her and whatever she wanted that is what he wanted.
    She cheered for the Florida Gators and watched every game and loved good looking men right up to the last. She had two great-great-great-grandchildren when she died.
    She was married to Rex Martin when we was fourteen and had her first baby when she was fifteen.
    She had three children Rexine, Wynona, and William.
    Her ashes will be buried next to Dad later this summer.

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