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BLM to seek public comment on sage grouse land use amendments

Given a finding by the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada that the Bureau of Land Management’s designation of Sagebrush Focal Areas in its 2015 greater sage-grouse plan amendment for Nevada was illegal, the Bureau has offered the public an opportunity to comment and share issues for its consideration as it explores potential amendments to greater sage-grouse land use plans, to help improve sage-grouse conservation, and to strengthen communication and collaboration between states and the federal government. The plans, which were adopted in 2014 and 2015, provide guidance and direction about the management of public lands in 10 Western states: California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Montana.
The BLM will soon publish a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register to announce the beginning of a scoping process to solicit public comments on greater sage-grouse land management issues that could warrant land use plan amendments. The notice can be read on the BLM website: https://on.doi.gov/2fNuFPt.

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