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More than just a Golf Course!

Submitted by Christy Engar (CHS assistant Cross Country coach)
    A familiar sight to Carbon County locals as they head north from Price, or as a welcoming sight on the way back, is the Carbon County Golf course. Located on the west side of Highway 6, the course is a beautiful and well maintained area set at the base of the desert cliff and plateaus.  Now most of the time, you see what you would expect to see; golf carts here and there and the quiet golfers out enjoying their sport. But once a year, for just one afternoon in September, the scene looks very different.
    For the past 9 years, the golf course has been generous enough to host the home meet for the Carbon High School cross-country team.  This is an event in which high school runners compete in a 3.1 mile course around the perimeter of the north end of the golf course (a 1.5 mile loop which they run twice). This race has become enormously popular with other schools, whose teams drive hours just to participate (and of course the local fast food restaurants are thrilled with their participation).  And, this race is where our own athletes from CHS usually run their fastest times. In other sports the high school itself provides the “home court” or “home field” advantage.  In cross country, the runners need some wide open “country” space to run and the golf course provides that home meet advantage for our kids.  The race this year is scheduled for September 20th,  with the Jr high kids racing at 3 p.m. and the high school races at 4 and 4:30 p.m.
    The CHS cross country coach, Tellise Allen, would like to publicly thank the golf course as well as the members of the Carbon Country Golf Club for allowing this event to take place.  “This home meet would not be possible in any other location; the acreage is there, the grass is good for the kids to run on and there is plenty of shade; it is the perfect race venue. I sure appreciate Tom King (aka TK) and all the club members who have helped facilitate this event for our school.”  So, that’s how an amazing golf course becomes MORE than just a golf course; it becomes the “HOME” course.  Go Carbon Dinos!
-parent of a CHS runner

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