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Carbon cross country run against sizzling sun in Moab


Carbon girls cross country team wait for the starting gun.

By Renee Banasky
Contributing Writer

High temperatures battled with Carbon High cross country runners at their most recent invitational in Moab. Running in the heat was difficult for the Dinos, especially after sitting in the the sizzling sun when the bus broke down on the way there. Despite the challenges, Carbon girls finished in fourth place. The boys team finished seventh.
Regan Hansen led the girls team and finished seventh overall with a time of 21 minutes 23 seconds. Grace Broadbear earned tenth crossing the finish line just 12.9 seconds after Hansen. Makara Morgan, Emma Haddock and Shannon Baker rounded out the race as the top 5 scorers for the team.
Placing ahead of Carbon girls were Richfield, Grand and San Juan high schools. “The girl’s focus was on Grand and Richfield as they will be our toughest competition at state… Our top five girls ran a very solid race. We were not far from contending with Richfield and Grand for the win. They just had a tighter gap between runners 1-5 than we did yesterday,” explained Telisse Allen, head coach.
Placing two slots below region competition Providence Hall, Carbon boys ranked seventh. Allen explained one varsity runner was absent, and she feels confident that Carbon will contend against Providence Hall at the next meet. The varsity runners were Anthony Jones, Jacob Jewkes, Ammon Wilson, Mackinnon Lyman and Adam Morley.

Payson Night Hunt

At Payson Night Hunt the team competed against 1A to 6A schools. This after-dark race gave runners a look at competition from all over the state. Hansen made an outstanding finish at 14 running 3 miles in 20 minutes, 56.2 seconds. Grace Broadbear came in less than a minute after Hansen, earning 23rd place. Anthony Jones placed 23rd with an 18 minute 31.8 second run. Jacob Jewkes’ time, 18:35.3, brought him in 26th. James Bryner followed Jewkes by one second and Ammon Wilson finished a few steps after.
“We were the smallest school in attendance as for classification. We faired fairly well. We ran great times for our first official meet of the season,” said Allen.

Westlake Grass Relays

After returning from Payson late, the runners boarded the bus the next morning at 5:45 a.m. This race offered a obstacles for the runners to jump over. The race was shorter, two miles, but more difficult. “A stand out was junior, Anthony Jones on the boys side. On the girls side Regan Hansen and Grace Broadbear put down respectable times,” explained Allen.

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