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County Commission continues operations budget trimming

By Rick Sherman

Carbon County Commissioners continue to work with department heads and elected officials to identify areas in the 2017 budget where adjustments could be made to save taxpayer dollars. The Commissioners presented and discussed their findings during a public work meeting Wednesday.
Commissioner Jae Potter started the review with the Human Resources Department, where he noted proposed changes in several line item amounts, and announced, “So based upon those changes I came up with $15,200 in decreases in the HR budget in 2017. Commissioner Potter also pointed out the department had $38,355 left over from the previous year’s budget. Rose Barnes is the HR Department Head.
Potter continued with Treasurer Kaye Colosimo’s Office, where proposed changes would amount to savings of $7,100.
Commissioner Jake Mellor detailed proposed changes in the budget for Recorder Laurie Tryon’s Office amounting to $6,150.
Commissioner Casey Hopes outlined adjustments in the budget of the County Assessor’s Office totaling $9,000. And he said, “It is of note that Julie (Medley) and her office turned back $50,260 that was unspent funds in her office.”
It was the second in a series of public work meetings scheduled by the County Commission to discuss county budgets. So far public participation has been scant, with just four people stepping up to the microphone to ask questions or make comments.
Another public work meeting on county budgets is set for Wednesday, Jan. 25 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The public is also invited to attend a public hearing on the 2017 budget which will be held in conjunction with the regular commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 4:30 p.m. The meetings will be held in Commission Chambers of the Carbon County Administration Building, 751 East 100 North in Price

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