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Carbon commissioners kick county’s landfill ordinance into gear



By Sun Advocate

A resident unloads his trailer at the Carbon County Landfill, last Wednesday. Under a new ordinance he is required to cover the load before hauling it to the dump, so that materials like this mattress (inset) don’t land in the road.

Residents loading up trucks or trailers for a trip to the county dump are being asked to cover the materials before hitting the road or they could end up with a $20 fine as a result of a new ordinance.
Complaints about the amount of garbage that never makes it to the landfill, but instead ends up on the side of the road spurred the Carbon County officials to craft an ordinance, according to Commissioner Bill Krompel.
“Volunteers from the CUSCRA (Central Utah Stock Car Racing Association) were going along the roadway picking up the trash before their events,” Krompel said. “They finally came to us and asked for help, they said that they were getting overwhelmed.”
Krompel said the commission decided to draw up an ordinance to address the issue of keeping Airport Road cleaner and making sure that the trash headed for the dump makes it.
“This is designed to address the perennial problem in a neighborly way,” he said.
The commissioner said while the law was passed and signed almost a year ago and became effective July 15 that it is only now that they have decided to implement it. He said that the littering along the roadway is not abating and that it is time to act.
The guideline requires residents to cover open loads of materials and securely harness heavy items like refrigerators and appliances.
The ordinance specifies that:
•Any and all refuse being delivered to the Carbon County landfill in any vehicle as defined in UCA 41-1a-102 or trailer shall be delivered in a safe and secure manner and in a manner to prevent said materials from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping.
•Loads shall be completely covered with a tarpaulin or other covering if consisting of specific materials.
The materials include ordinary household waste; lumber or construction materials; grass clippings; tree branches, weeds, agricultural waster products or other organic materials; soil, dirt, gravel or rock fragments.
•Individuals delivering any of the materials to the landfill in a manner not in compliance shall pay a $20 assessment at the landfill or at the Carbon County Treasurer’s Office.
For the purposes of the new guideline, any vehicle turning off of Airport Road toward the entrance of the landfill shall be deemed to be delivering materials to the landfill and shall be subject to the terms of the county ordinance.
•Failure to pay the $20 assessment within 15 days shall constitute a class C misdemeanor criminal offense.
Krompel said the employee at the entrance to the dump will be aware of the ordinance and will be watching as loads are brought in for compliance to the law.
“Residents will be given a friendly reminder,” Krompel said.
Despite the ordinance being in effect since July of last year, Krompel said that there will be a couple of months grace period before fines start to be levied.
“We are hoping that this will be a partnership with the community to keep our roadways clean,” said Krompel.

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