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Letter to the Editor: Unsafe electronics in cars

By Sun Advocate

I teach defensive driving and I was shocked at the TV commercial with a new van that was advertised. It had a flat screen TV up by the driver and flat screens under sun visors or stuck all over the vehicle so everyone in the vehicle could watch sports or movies. I was thinking that it must be just a fluke or fad. That was until I saw a company advertising to put flat screen TVs anywhere in your auto. While going home from teaching defensive driving one day no less than two vehicles passed me and they were watching a flat screen TV under the sun visor. Unbelievable!
A lot of people on our the roads across the USA are going to die because of a few who don’t have any sense. Protect yourself and your family. Become a defensive driver. To become a defensive driver take a defensive driving class because you will need it.
How many Deaths will it take before we wake up that watching a moving while going 70 MPH is stupid?

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