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By Sun Advocate


Giveaways 100
Lost and Found 101
Memoriams 102
Moving and Storage 103
Personal 104
Special Notices 105
Theatres 106
Financial 107
Baby Tender 111
Business Opportunity 112
Help Wanted 113
Jobs Wanted 114
School and Instruction 115
Child Care 116
Insurance 117
Building and Construction 121
Cleaning Services 122
Handyman 123
Lawn & Garden 124
Miscellaneous Services 125
Painting 126
Draperies 127
Bookkeeping 128
Auctions 129
Apartments for Rent 131
Houses for Rent 132
Miscellaneous Rentals 133
Mobile Homes for Rent 134
Mobile Home Spaces 135
Office Space 136
Rentals Wanted 137
Rooms for Rent 138
Commercial Rentals 139
Commercial Property 141
Farms and Ranches 142
Houses for Sale 143
Lots and Acreages 144
Mobile Homes 145
Miscellaneous Real Estate 146
Real Estate Wanted 147
Condominiums 148
Water Shares 149
Farm Equipment 151
Farm Products 152
Food Storage 153
Fruit and Produce 154
Hay and Grain 155
Pasture for Rent 156
Plowing and Discing 157
Boarding & Breeding 161
Breeding Services 162
Grooming 163
Livestock 164
Miscellaneous Wanted 165
Pets 166
Poultry 167
Veterinary Services 168
Fuel and Wood 171
Furniture 172
Yard Sale/Garage Sale 174
Appliances & Tools 176
Miscellaneous for Sale 177
Miscellaneous Wanted to Buy 178
Musical Instruments 179
Pianos and Organs 180
Sewing Machines 181
Sporting Goods 182
TVs, Radios & Stereos 183
Computers 185
Fireplaces and Stoves 189
Auto Parts and Services 191
Autos, New and Used 192
Boats 194
Motor Homes 195
Campers and Trailers 196
4 Wheel Drive 197
Motorcycles 198
Bicycles 199
Trucks and Vans 200
Snowmobiles 201
Airplanes 202
ATVs 203

100- Giveaways  [top]

SPAYED FEMALE Border Collie/Red Heeler mix. Approx. 1 year. 637-3566. (02032f)

104- Personal  [top]

IF YOU build, remodel or remove buildings you can place your classified ad in 47 of Utah’s newpapers for only $135 for 25 words ($5 for each additional word). You will reach up to 500,000 potential customers and all you do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN Classified Network). (ucan). (02032f)
NO DOWNPAYMENT? Problem credit? Own a new home without a big downpayment. If you’re motivated with $40,000+ income call 1-800-830-2006, visit www.AmericanHomePartners. com for our free guide. (ucan). (02032f)
SUN ADVOCATE and Emery County Progress does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any product or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress hereby disclaims all liability for any damage suffered as the result of any advertisement in these newspapers. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress has the sole authority to edit and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress reserves the right to refuse any advertising. (02032f)
THANK YOU St. Jude and St. Rita. LML (01292p)
VIDEO SAYS it best! Stay in touch with family, friends, colleagues, or advertise your business through video email. For more info send email to: wwwvideoemail@comcast.net. (ucan). (02032f)

105- Special Notices  [top]

SALT LAKE Candle Flavor of the Month “Hot Cinnamon Candy.” 15% off all sizes. Chriss Gray 472-3867, 650-2233. Karen Birch, 472-3796, 650-3796. (71tf)
UPS SERVICE is available at CJ’s Do it center. Open 7 days/wk. 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)

107- Financial  [top]

$$CASH$$ CASH now for structured settlements, annuities and insurance payouts. 1-800-794-7310. J.G. Wentworth. JG Wentworth means cash for structured settlements. (ucan). (02032f)
CASH FOR structured settlements/annuity payments. It’s your money! Get cash now when you need it most! Oldest/bet in the business. Settlement Purchasers. 1-877-MONEY-ME. (ucan). (02032f)
HOMELOANS. FREE appraisal with your closed loan. Purchases, refinances, debt consolidation? Great rates and superior service. 1-800-763-2662 ext. 775 or pre-qualify online at www.utahhomeloansonline.com (ucan) (02032f)

112- Business Opportunity  [top]

ESTABLISHED TRANSMISSION and auto repair business for sale. Great location in Price. 472-8343/please leave message. (710tf)
FOR SALE: Hairstyle- Barbershop. Good location. Good clientele. 637-4238 or 613-9516 after 6p.m. (02036p)
SMALL BUSINESS owners: Place your classified ad in 47 newspapers throughout Utah for only $135 for 25 words, $5 per word over 25. You will reach up to 500,000 buyers and it is a one call, one order, one bill program. Call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732, or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for further info. (ucan). (02032f)

113- Help Wanted  [top]

**ATTENTION** LADIES: Avon has great opportunities. Earn extra $$$, work own hours. 637-0136 1-800-713-1839. Ind./sls./rep. (87tf)
**DRIVERS** MAY Trucking Company. New pay package! New Peterbilts arriving! Vans? 11 western reefers? 48 states. Owner operators needed. 1-800-251-8846 apply online www.maytrucking.com Your Road To Success. (ucan). (02032f)
BUSINESS OWNERS if you need someone fast, place your classified ad in all 47 of Utah’s newspapers. The cost is only $135 for a 25 word ad and it reaches up to 500,000 people. All you do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan). (02032f)
DRIVER? COVENANT Transport Teams and solos check our new pay plan. Owner operators, experienced drivers, solos, teams and graduate students. Call 1-888-MOREPAY (1-888-667-3729) (ucan). (02032f)
DRIVER? DRIVE Regional! Over-the-road? Lots of miles. Great company and benefits. www.primeinc.com 1-800-771-6318. (ucan). (02032f)
DRIVERS AND O/Os…More cash! New year. New pay. Sign on bonus! Van, flatbed and autohaul. CDL training available. Swift Transportation. 1-888-490-8343. www.swifttrans.com. (ucan). (02032f)
FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant for collection office. Excellent communication, computer and organizational skills. Bring resume to 211 S. 200 East, or fax to 637-8504. Questions call 637-8500. (01274p)
HELP WANTED. Need someone to stay nights with elderly woman. Call Ramona for more information, 472-5552. (01294p)
HELP WANTED: Laundry attendant and presser. Experience in pressing. Apply in person at 97 East 100 North, Price. Call Linda @ (435)637-9300. (1211tf)
L.P.N. NEEDED to work at Southeastern Utah District Health Department, Price Office- over half time with benefits. Needed to work in a variety of public health programs. Starting salary is negotiable. Please call Workforce Services at 636-2300. (02036b)
LPN NEEDED FOR OB/GYN office. To set up appointment please call 637-0675. (01298b)
NOW HIRING. Experienced bookkeepers, receptionists/typists needed full time and part time. Must have experience and references. Call 435-738-6400 for appointment. (01274b)
NOW HIRING. Someone needed for housekeeping at motels. Must have experience and references. Call 435-738-6400 for appointment.. (01274b)
NURSES, LPN OR RN, Certified Nurses Aides, Non-Certified Aides. Full time or part time. New wage scale available. Castle Country Care Center, 1340 East 300 North, Price. 637-9213. (1211tf)
PART TIME Inside/Outside Sales Person needed for Verizon Wireless. Cellular phone sales helpful but not necessary. Contact Linda, 637-9300. (1211tf))
SALE POSITION. No travel. Quality Wholesale Homes seeking highly motivated individual. Unlimited income potential. Base/Generous commission. Must relocate. West’s largest manufactured housing dealer. 1-800-242-0060 ext. 115. (ucan). (02032f)

116- Daycare  [top]

DARLENE’S DAYCARE. Fun for all ages. Years experience. State licensed. 637-5128. (0113tf)

121- Building and Construction  [top]

“HOLLIMAN HOME Improvement” Siding, windows, doors, etc. 23 yrs. Lic. Bonded. Winter rates. 375-6069. (01274p)
CABINETS, FROM complete design to installation. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
LARRY DAVIS Construction. General contractor. Licensed and insured. No job too small. Call 637-8302. (916tf)
METAL BUILDINGS- Commercial and residential; cement work; carports; additions. Call Larry Young Construction, 636-0135 or 820-8050 cell. (1111tf)
UTAH MANUFACTURER for 17 years Plus-All Steel Buildings!!! Any size you want, any accessories you want, or any features you want. www.cobuildings.net or call 1-800-262-5347. CO Buildings Systems, Inc. Building a reputation on “Old Fashioned Integrity”. (ucan) (02032f)
WILLSON CONCRETE & Construction. General repairs, painting, sheetrock, roofing, backhoe/dump truck/concrete pump service, remodeling, concrete, sprinklers. Much more! Licensed/insured. 637-7687, cell 650-7687. (94tf)

122- Cleaning Services  [top]

ALWAYS CALL a professional, the original Spic & Span. Walls, ceilings and windows. For free estimates call Trudy Axelsen, 637-4558. (78tf)
PROFESSIONAL CLEANING without the professional price. Call Yvette or Linda 636-0140 or 650-4868. (02034p)

125- Miscellaneous Services  [top]

CARPET & VINYL installation, repair and re stretches. Call Ron 636-0140 or 650-4868. (02034p)

126- Painting  [top]

INTERIOR/EXTERIOR painting. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount. No job too small. 637-2954. (1028tf)

131- Apartments for Rent  [top]

1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Helper. $250 per month. References and security deposit required. 637-7063. (0203tf)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Helper. $310, includes Questar. 472-5213 8-5p.m. weekdays. (930tf)
1 BEDROOM APT., W/D hookups, Price area. $315/month, $350 deposit. No pets. Includes gas. 637-6971. (02034b)
2 AND 3 BEDROOM apartments for rent in Huntington. 687-9272. (94tf)
2 BEDROOM APT for rent in Ferron. Pet allowed. 687-5219 or 381-2411. (930tf)
2 BEDROOM APT. for rent in Castle Dale. Pet allowed. 687-5219 or 381-2411. (930tf)
2 BEDROOM APT. for rent in Orangeville. Pet allowed. 687-5219 or 381-2411. (930tf)
2 BEDROOM, CARPORT $375/month + utilities, $300 deposit. 210 S. 300 West, Price. 637-2737. (01224b)
2 BEDROOM. NO smoking nor pets. $350 + sec. dep. 637-5836. (0106tf)
FERRON 2 BEDROOM apts. Gas heat, water heaters. Storage, fenced yard, new paint. No pets. $300/month. (435)384-2865. (0106tf)
FREE RENT- 2 bedroom, NE Price, dishwasher, large bedrooms, washing facilities, reasonable rates. Call Bridge Realty for details, 637-7900 or 637-0846. (1014tf)
HUNTINGTON 2 BEDROOM. Stove, refrigerator, carport. No pets. 435-687-9261. (1118tf)
LARGE 1 BEDROOM in Price $350 + deposit. Includes utilities. No smoking/pets. 435-653-2421. (0127tf)
LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment. Includes utilities. No pets. 472-0255. (0203tf)
LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, refrigerator/stove, W/D hookups. Nice location. 637-3339, 650-4665. (911tf)
LARGE, 2 BEDROOM basement apartment in Orangeville, washer/dryer hookups, satellite TV included, $200 deposit, $350 monthly. Call 748-5709 or 749-1853. (1224p)
NEWLY REMODELED Huntington 4-plex, large three bedroom, one bath, dishwasher, W/D hookups, fireplace. $375 plus utilities. Other units $325 plus utilities, $200 deposit. Call 435-687-9011 or 820-0410. (821tf)
NEWLY REMODELED, never been rented 1 bedroom duplex in Helper. Carport. No pets. Good, quiet location close to stores and park. References required. 472-3614 after 6pm weekdays.(01208b)
NOT A misprint. $250/month, $250 deposit. 2-3 bedroom. Orangeville. Call Mike Metzger, Bridge Realty, 637-7900. (01138b)
ONE AND two bedroom apartments for rent. No pets. 637-2115. (325tf)
ORANGEVILLE LARGE 2-story 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, laundry room. Many extras. No pets. Referenced. $390/month. 748-2961. (225tf)
PRIVATE ROOMS with full bath in Helper $225/month, utilities included. Meals and laundry also available on premises. No pets/smoking/drinking. 637-4407. (01138p)
THREE BEDROOM in Huntington. Partial utiliites paid. References required. 637-5885 days, 637-3242 evenings. (0115tf)
TWO BEDROOM apartment, close to college, coin-op washer/dryer, no smoking nor pets. 435-637-5802, 435-650-1246. (01298p)
TWO BEDROOM close to campus. Partial utilities paid. References required. 637-5885days, 637-3242/eves. (0115tf)
VERY CLEAN large and small kitchenettes, ideal for out-of- town workers. 637-0950. (tf)

132- Houses for Rent  [top]

1, 2 AND 3 BEDROOM rentals. Call Trails End Realty, 637-1884. (1021tf)
2 BEDROOM (1 xlg), garage and carport, W/D. No smoking/pets. $500/month+deposit. 159 No. 4 East. 637-2448. (02033p)
2 BEDROOM AND 3 bedroom houses in Helper, close to schools. No pets. 472-0255. (0108tf)
2 BEDROOM HOME, East Carbon $375/month, $300 deposit. Housing approved. References. 1-435-637-5067. (1223tf)
2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. Very clean. Fully remodeled. Close to college. $500/month. 801-272-7038. (01138p)
2 BEDROOM/1 BATHROOM house in Price. Rent $400/Security Dep. $350. Pets OK with $200 pet deposit. Call Tammy, Agent Trails End Realty, 637-1884 or 650-1213. (0203tf)
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH $600/month+ deposit. No smoking nor pets. Close to school. 636-8584 or 650-2357. (01224p)
CLEAN 2 BEDROOM home w/nice stove and refrigerator. Good location. $500/mo. plus deposit. Call 637-3112. (01292p)
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom/1 bathroom house in Price 2 blocks from college. Rent: $300/Security dep. $350. Pets OK with $200 pet deposit. Call Tammy, Agent Trails End Realty 637-1884 or 650-1213. (0203tf)
HELPER 3 BEDROOM includes appliances, 1 car garage, storage shed $450/month. References required. 637-3519. (01274p)
HOUSE FOR rent, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $500/month. No smoking nor pets. Deposit required. 637-9300, ask for Linda. (1216tf)
LARGE 3 BEDROOM house in Helper. No pets. Sprinklers. 472-0255. (0203tf)
LARGE 3 BEDROOM in Price on corner lot. One car garage. No pets. 472-0255. (0108tf)
NEWLY REMODELED home for rent in Castle Dale. $550 monthly, first, last, deposit. 381-2045. (02034p)
SPRING GLEN 3 bedroom, 1 bath, w/garage, unfinished basement and fenced yard. $600/month. Call Barb at 637-3448/637-1537. (0120tf)

134- Mobile Homes for Rent  [top]

GREAT IN town location. Nice, quiet country park, 2&3 bedroom mobile homes w/pvt. yard. (Work w/deposit). $300-$350. Cell1-801-623-0261 or 1-888-760-2100. (826tf)
HUNTINGTON 2 BEDROOM trailer, private lot. Stove, refrigerator, garden spot. No pets. 687-9261. (01208b)
LARGE SINGLE wide in quiet park. 3bdrm, 2bath, all appliances including dishwasher, refrigerated air. 637-4559. (01292p)
NEWER 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, W/D hookups, dishwasher, disposal. Call 637-0984 or 650-3737. (01224b)
NEWLY REMODELED 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home on private lot in Wellington. 3 bedroom, 2 bath newer mobile home in Price. Available approx. Feb. 10th. Will accept Section 8. No pets. 637-5233. (01294p)
NICE 2 BR TRAILER in Elmo. Just remodeled. $350 plus deposit. 653-2642. (01274b)

135- Mobile Home Spaces  [top]

BLUE CUT RV Park located between Price and Helper. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. 472-3646 or 637-0188. (1025tf)
COUNTRY ESTATES Space #4 available Feb. 1st. Good Carbonville location. 435-637-0984 or 650-3737. (01294p)
ESQUIRE ESTATES Mobile Home Park, Castle Dale. Large lots, good location, RV parking available. Weekly and monthly rates. 381-2750. (01016tf)
MOVE IN Special- 3 months free space rent in nice, quiet country park. 1-888-760-2100. (1120tf)

136- Office Space  [top]

OFFICE SPACE for lease. Utilities, heat, janitorial, air conditioning included. Phone 637-2945. (tf)
RENOVATED HISTORIC office/retail space for lease. 1,215 sq. ft. 129 S. Main, Helper. $375/month. Please call 650-0835 for info. (1231tf)

141- Commercial Property  [top]

FOR SALE or rent commercial zoned properties. 3 bedroom, 229 E. 100 North; 3 bedroom, 205 E. 100 N.; 4,000 sq. ft., 130 N. 200 E. 637-5128, 636-9070. (0106tf)

143- Houses for Sale  [top]

3 BEDROOM RENOVATED home in Helper. Large lot. Newly painted, fenced yard. By owner. 472-5374. (0203tf)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATHS, sprinkling system, front/side lawn, central lawn, full driveway, skylights in kitchen/master bath. On one acre lot. 650-6436. (01278p)
3,520 SQUARE FOOT home on 2 acres. Better than new. 30X40 garage, sprinklers, 4BD, 3 bath. $135,000. 637-0464. (0106tf)
4 BEDROOM, 1-1/2 BATH, 430 Edgehill Dr., Sunnyside. Call 637-1719. (01088p)
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH home listed below appraisal. Hardwood floors, new plumbing, newer electrical, newer roof and newer oversized, 2+ car garage with work area. Seller will give up to $3,000 carpet allowance and will pay up to $1,000 closing costs. $88,000. 640 N. 100 East, Price. Call 472-3042. (1230tf)
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH in NE Price. Must sell! $75K, will consider all offers. 636-8584 or 650-2357. (01228p)
BEAUTIFUL 7 BEDROOM, 4 baths, 4,300 sq. ft. Many extras. 64 N. 1280 West, Westwood. 801-451-0258. (1211tf)
DO YOU love to cook? You’ll never leave this fantastic remodeled kitchen. 4 bd., 3 bath home in Wellington/private yard, patio, RV parking, family rm/fireplace, huge mstr bedroom. Call owner/agent 637-9005. (0120tf)
FOR SALE by owner/agent. Big and beautiful with gorgeous yard and excellent Price location. Executive home, 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, bar, steam room, exercise room, family room, huge living/dining room. 301 North 700 East. Call 637-9005. (0120tf)
HOMES FOR sale 3 bedroom 2 bath under $60,000. Financing available. Call 637-2549. (0203tf)
J4BD, 2BA, 1976, NEW roof, flooring and paint. Fenced yard and garden. $97,000. 613-1820. (01088p)
JSMALL 2 BEDROOM summer home in Bolotas Camp, Scofield. 435-472-0443, 435-636-9405. (01228p)
NEED TO sell ASAP nice home in Price, 3BR, 1BA, new kitchen, workshop, carport. Will consider all reasonable offers. 637-6346. (02038b)
PLANNING ON selling your home, you could be sending your sales points to up to 500,000 people at once. For $135 you can place your 25 word classified ad to all 47 newspapers in Utah. Just call Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress at 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan). (02032f)
SALE/RENT 1997 3BD, 2 bath home in Wellington. $65,000. Rent $565/month, $500 deposit. 637-0403. (02038p)
SEALED BID sale. No minimum. 733 Castle Gate Road, Helper, UT 84526. Sealed purchase bids will be accepted on the above property from 1/21/04 through 2/10/04 by 5p.m. Inquiries and bids are to be submitted to Mike Metzger, Bridge Realty 435-637-7900. All sales are subject to sellers approval. (01275b)
SPRING GLEN 6 bedroom, 3 bath, 3/4 acre lot., 3 car garage, formal room, huge family room. For more information call 472-0576. (012032b)
TWO STORY, 3 bedrooms, full unfinished basement, carport, 339 Carson, East Carbon 637-7421. (01226p)

144- Lots and Acreages  [top]

WOW! WOW! Investors don’t wait! 30 acres $5,700 per acre. Power, and water lines easement are being sold right through the 30 acres already over $45,000 has been invested. Five minutes from Price. 637-4275. (02032p)

145- Mobile Homes  [top]

MOBILE HOME for sale. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $6,000. 613-2595. Call for more info. (01298p)
SALE $1,500 OR trade 3 bedroom, 1-3/4 bath, set up in park. 472-0255. (0108tf)

146- Miscellaneous Real Estate  [top]

REAL ESTATE investment with Nouveau Riche. Big money potential. For more information call 749-3636. (01156p)

149- Water Shares  [top]

SCOFIELD RESERVOIR water shares for sale. Contact Nancy, Agent, Century 21 Castleland for info., 637-4744 or 637-5471. (54tf)

155- Hay and Grain  [top]

ALFALFA, BARLEY and grass hay for sale. All crops. 801-943-4388. (01224p)
HAY FOR sale, $75-$80/ton delivered, while it lasts. 435-653-2466 or 435-820-8028 anytime. (01158p)
HAY FOR sale. Top quality. 637-1350. (0122tf)
OATS AND straw, $9.00/100 pounds. $2.50/bale. 435-381-2339 or 435-381-2195. (01158p)
TOP QUALITY hay for sale. Call 637-4157 or 636-7666. (01296b)

164- Livestock  [top]

BRED COWS 250 head, all young, solid mouth. Will sell any amount you pick. Call (435)462-2731. (ucan). (02032f)
FENCE POSTS. Cheap! Galvanized! 2-3/8?, 2-7/8?. Call for prices. 1-800-947-0249. Metalmart, Lehi. Look at www.metalmart.biz. (ucan). (02032f)
HORSES: BUY, sell or trade. All kinds. Call 653-2327.
TEAM ROPING Clinic Feb.13-14 C.C. Fairgrounds. Limited to 10 Ropers. Info 435-472-8887. 01224p)

171- Fuel and Wood  [top]

FIREWOOD FOR sale. 1800 W. Ridge Road. Open Sat. Weekdays call for appointment, 637-0668. (99tf)

172- Furniture  [top]

ROCKING LOVE seat $50, Thomas Playmate organ $300. Call 613-7377. (02032p)

174- Yard Sale/Garage Sale  [top]

INDOOR YARD Sale/Liquidation Sale. Helper Emporium, 124 S. Main, Helper. 10-5p.m., Tues.-Sat. (01296b)

176- Household Appliances  [top]

ELECTRIC STOVES- $125 & up, dryers $99 & up. Square Deals, 275 N. Main, Helper. Tues.-Fri. noon-5p.m., Sat. 10-4p.m. 472-0113. (9118b)

177- Miscellaneous for Sale  [top]

**HOT TUB/SPA** Self contained. All options, with cover. New, never used, still in original wrapper. Cost $6,900 sacrifice $2,600. Can deliver. 1-801-824-7695. (ucan) (02032f)
ATTENTION! YOUR own website for under $100. Includes 3 page website, hosting, and your own? com? Call Hiro for details: 1-609-742-0667. (10-8 EST). (ucan) (02032f)
BED- QUEEN/KING orthopedic double pillowtop sets. Never used, still in plastic, with warranty. Cost $1,400/$1,700. Sacrifice $Q350 $K450. Can deliver. 1-801-824-7695. (ucan). (02032f)
DISCOUNTED HEADSTONES, urns and bronze memorials. No middle-man mortuaries!!! Buy direct form source!!! 1-877-399-0300. (ucan). (2032f)
FREE 4-ROOM DirecTV system including installation! Free 3 months HBO movie package with subscription. Access 225+ channels. Digital-quality picture/sound.Conditions apply Limited time offer. Call 1-800-311-9053. (02032f) (ucan)
HIGH SCHOOL drop out? Pass 5 tests, receive diploma at home. Fast, inexpensive and convenient. Accredited. 1-912-832-3834. (ucan). (02032f)
NORDIC TRACK Achiever ski machine $150, Healthrider with monitor $100. Both like new. 384-3213 after 5 p.m. (02034p)
PAINT, ALL Do-It-Best paint must be liquidated AT 25% off. CJ’s, 710 E. Main, 636-8100. (0106tf)
PORTABLE SAUNA. Excellent condition. Brand new. $800. 637-1236. (01224b)
SOLID OAK antique display case, 8 ft. $850. 472-0403. (0122tf)
YOU MAY have just the thing someone out of town is looking for. Place your classified ad in 47 of Utah’s newspapers, the cost is $135 for up to 25 words. You will be reaching a potential of up to 500,000 readers. All you need to do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress at 435-381-2431 for full details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan) (02032f)

182- Sporting Goods  [top]

RUGER M77 300 WINCHESTER Mag, laminated stock, stainless barrel. $425. 435-749-0995. (01208p)

189- Fireplaces and Stoves  [top]

FIRE KING coal and wood burning fireplace insert with fan. $200. 637-5233. (01294p)
VENT-FREE fireplaces. 99.9% efficient. Starting at $399. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. 636-8100. (125tf)

192- Autos, New and Used  [top]

’01 HONDA ACCORD EX-V6, leather, sunroof, 6-CD changer, climate control, power seats, 36k miles. $16,500. Call 613-0290. (01156p)
’94 BUICK LESABRE Custom, V6 auto., air. Excellent. $2,875. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
’97 TOYOTA COROLLA DX 4-door, automatic, A/C. Runs great. $4,975. 435-472-0555, 435-613-5267. (02032p)
’99 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE GS, 5-speed, air, 79k. Extra sharp. $6,575. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
2000 GRAND PRIX SE, 4-door $6,475. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01224b)
2000 PONTIAC GRAND Prix SE, 4-door. Extra nice. $6,475. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01274b)
2000 TOYOTA CAMRY XLE, 4-door, auto., air Excellent. $9,275. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
2001 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE, 4-door. Loaded. $9,875. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01224b)
2002 GRAND PRIX SE, 4-door. Extra nice. $8,475. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01224b)
2004 DODGE NEON 4-door, 4,500 miles. Warranty. Excellent. $9,475. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01274b)

195- Motor Homes  [top]

1985 ALLEGRO 27 FT. motor home. New motor and trans. Excellent shape. $8,500. 653-2642. (01274p)

197- 4 Wheel Drive  [top]

’85 FORD 4X4 3/4 ton, 460 motor $1,300. 472-0742. (01292p)
’88 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER FJ60 4X4, auto, air. Extra nice. $3,475. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
’95 FORD F150 EXT. Cab 4X4, V8 auto., air. Sharp. $5,675. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
’96 FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer 4X4. Excellent. $7,475. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
’97 TOYOTA TACOMA 4X4, auto., air. Excellent. $7,425. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
’99 DODGE QUAD Cab 4X4, V8 auto., air. Extra nice. $12,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01274b)
1990 DODGE 250 4X4, V8 manual, air, all power. Runs good. Asking $3,000. 653-2954. (01206p)
1991 FORD F150 XLT 4X4, fully loaded. Extra sharp! With shell. See at 145 Denver, East Carbon or call 888-6662. (02034b)
2001 SUBURBAN 2500 LT 4X4, leather, On Star, loaded, 91k, warranty. $19,800. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)

198- Motorcycles  [top]

1995 HONDA CR250 DIRT bike. Good condition. Asking $1,600. 820-0989. (01294b)
2004 YZ250, 2002 YZ426 RACING READY!! Too much to list. 2003 XR50. For more information call 637-8520 or 820-8411. (01298p)
J1996 HONDA CUB. Very low use. Excellent condition. Call 637-0349 eves, or 637-5800 days. (01292b)

200- Trucks and Vans  [top]

’01 FORD F250 S.D. QUAD Cab 2WD, V8 auto., air, 95k. Extra nice. $8,600. Helper Auto,472-5533. (01138b)
’77 DODGE 3/4 TON pickup. Needs some work. $700. 637-8157. (01294p)
’88 FORD E350 CUTAWAY Van, 16 ft. box, 460 V8 auto. Runs good. Clean inside and out. $1,500. 1-800-231-0868. (0127tf)
’89 FORD VAN Conversion. A-1 condition. Very clean. 302 V8. Red/white. $2,500. 637-2310. (01294b)
’93 FORD E350 16′ box van, 7.3 diesel. $2,975. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
’96 FORD CUTAWAY E350 Van. Runs and looks like new. 16 ft. cube box. New tires. 460. $6,995. 637-0134. (124tf)
’98 CHEV ASTRO Ext. Van, V6 auto., air. $2,975. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
1953 FORD 3/4 TON Flatbed, flat head V8. Runs well, needs electrical. $2,250/OBO. 472-2800. (0203tf)
1980 CHEV 1 TON Cargo Truck, 454 engine. Excellent shape. 41,000 org. miles. 472-5351. (01296p)
1995 FORD WINDSTAR GL Van, 7 passenger, rear air, good condition. $4,500. 637-5944. (01224p)
2000 CHEV S10 2WD, 6-cyl., air, 95k. Extra nice. $4,975. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01138b)
J1990 MAZDA PICKUP w/shell and carpet kit, A/C. One owner. 89,000 miles. $2,500. 637-0405. (02034p)

201- Snowmobiles  [top]

’99 RMK 700 WITH modifications. 613-0290. (01156p)

203- ATVs  [top]

1997 HONDA 300EX $1,850; 2002 Polaris Ranger $7,000/OBO; 2003 Bombardier DS650 with nitrous $6,200/OBO. 435-637-0464. (0122tf)
1998 KAWASAKI 300 LAKOTA. $1,995. 435-888-2203. (01224p)

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