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Cavemen hunt down Dinos



By Sun Advocate

Every once in awhile a game will come along that is a writers literary dream. For instance when a team called the Cowboys play one called the Indians. Or when the Rebels battle the Yankees. Or if the Knights battle the Dragons.
One of the famous fallacies in comics and movies is that man existed on the planet while dinosaurs roamed the earth. That is not true because according to the fossil records tens of millions of years existed between the time the reptiles were wiped out and man evolved into what he is today.
But on Tuesday night the Cavemen (of American Fork High School) and the Dinos did exist at the same time on the basketball court and one of those epic battles between two opponents took place.
Contrary to the movies however, the Dinos didn’t chase the Cavemen around and smash them into the ground. They used a weapon called a “Zach” to defeat the Dinos and therefore momentarily won the Jurassic realm.
It was Zach Adamson, and his tremendous shooting that did in the Carbon team Tuesday night in the “Cave” at American Fork High 69-50.
The hunt began when the Cavemen took off to a 20-9 lead at the end of the first quarter and never really looked back. The Utah County team (7-3), while not being ranked in the top five in the state in 4A ball, is right up there however. And they will get better since they have Provo (ranked first in 4A) and Timpview (ranked second) are both on their powerful Region 6 schedule starting next week.
Carbon, however, lowered the boom on the high scoring Cavemen in the second quarter holding them to only 10 points while putting in 11 themselves. While it didn’t make the score much closer, it did a lot for the Carbon confidence going into the second half.
After the break, however, the Cavemen reverted to their wily ways, putting in 18 big points. The Dinos weren’t out of it during the quarter, scoring 15 themselves, but that put them at the beginning of the fourth with a 13 point deficit, a large amount to make up, particularly on the road.
Both teams scored well in the fourth period with American Fork making the quarter their best scoring effort of the game with 21 points while Carbon was only able to manage 15.
This seems to be the way it has been for Carbon in games they have lost this season. If they get ahead in the first period they have been able to hang on to the victory in almost every game. But if they get down, particularly way down, they just can’t quite come back.
The Dinos scoring was led by Jeff Anderson with 17 points. Jake Wood put in 10.
Carbon got one three pointer in the game from Wood while the Cavemen were able to place seven tres in the net, many of which came in the second half.
With the preseason over the Dinos now get to work on league play. On Friday night they travel to Delta to face the Rabbits in the first Region 8 contest of the year.
Hopefully they will find the Rabbit’s den more hospitable than the cave they call a gym in American Fork.

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