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Man crashes bike into storefront


Timothy Amos


A man was found drunk and bleeding last Wednesday after a report of a broken storefront window was made to Price Police.
Price City Police Officer Tyler Cressall was dispatched to the Fitness Center at 42 E. Main St. on report of one of the front plate glass display windows being broken out.
Officer Cressall arrived to the scene and soon discovered a pair of sunglasses that appeared to have been left behind at the scene.  
Cressall and the business owner reviewed security footage of the incident and discovered that a male with long blonde hair lost control of a bicycle he was riding, and crashed into the window, shattering it. The bicyclist picked himself up, and walked his bike westbound down the sidewalk.  
Officer Shawn Sackett arrived on scene and as he and Cressall were looking for blood evidence, a nearby business employee approached them and asked if they might be looking for a man who was bleeding.  
The officers were able to make contact with the suspect, identified as Timothy Ryan Amos, 42, of Price.  Amos had a badly bleeding cut to the palm of his left hand, and the officers were suspected he was intoxicated.  
Based on the fact that Amos had clearly demonstrated he was a danger to himself, he was arrested for public intoxication, taken to the hospital for treatment of his wound, and then booked into the Carbon County Jail for a Class C misdemeanor offense.  
A police press release noted it is not against the law to ride a bicycle while intoxicated.

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