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Carbon Baseball in seven game winning streak



By Sun Advocate

Carbon Senior, Joe Via, slams the ball clear into the outfield and over the fence.

The non-region game against the Red Devils turned out great for the Dinos, who had an unbelievable win of 23-0.
Carbons’ latest win brings the Carbon Dinos to a seven game winning streak, with 11-5 in state. Carbon is currently at number one in region eight, with 5-0.
The Dinos had an unbelievable lead on Grand from the beginning. It was an obvious loss for Grand from the second inning, Carbon being ahead 12-0.
Carbon scored nine runs in the first inning, three in the second, eight in the third and another three in the fourth, but Grand held together and kept trying their best to no avail. The game was called after that in the fifth, Carbon having an undeniable lead on Grand.
The Dinos had a great team effort against the Red Devils.
Aaron Sandoval earned the complete game shutout on the pitching mound.
Joe Via homered twice for the Carbon team. Chase Julian, Nick Nielsen and Chris Hanson also scored home runs for Carbon.
Chris Hatch and Camron Oliver both helped out the team, Hatch with a double and Oliver with a triple.
The Dinos last game against Grand was the season opener for both teams, and it turned into a win for Carbon. Less of a point scoring game, Carbon played hard, ending the game at 6-2.
Carbon Highs’ last game before Grand was in Emery against the Spartans on April 15.
A tough team, the Spartans presented a tough game for the Dinos, but undoubtedly ended the game with a loss to Carbon, at 8-4.
Joe Via homered and doubled to lead Carbon to a win. Carbon had a total of two home runs, the other courtesy of Tyler Nelson.
Both Chase Julian and Camron Oliver came home with two doubles each.
The Dinos went into the game feeling pretty good about themselves after the last game they had played against the Spartans. The Dinos defeated Emery with a difference of 10 points, the ending score at 10-0.
The next scheduled game for the Dinos is on Friday, April 22, against Delta. The Dinos are definitely ready for this game, the last game against Delta on April 5, was another incredible win at 9-2 for Carbon.
Aaron Sandoval, Chase Julian, and Joe Via all had doubles in this game, and Mike Zaccaria had a triple. Nick Nielson also scored a home run for Carbon.
This was also a great game for Chris Hatch, who pitched. Hatch only had four hits, and struck out seven Rabbits.

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